Author Topic: Mitt Romney Says Obama Needs to Learn that He Lost the Midterms!  (Read 340 times)

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Mitt Romney Says Obama Needs to Learn that He Lost the Midterms!
« on: November 18, 2014, 01:56:26 pm »

Mitt Romney Says Obama Needs to Learn that He Lost the Midterms!

Posted on November 17, 2014 by Onan Coca — 16 Comments

Mitt Romney was on CBS’ Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer on Sunday when he laid out some hard truth for President Obama and the Democrat Party.

The President has got to learn that he lost this last election round. The American people spoke loud and clear. Let those people who were elected come together with a piece of legislation on this and other topics and then he has a chance to veto them, if he doesn’t like them. But the idea of violating the principles of our Constitution which is a balance of power, checks and balances, that is something which is wrong and I think would not to be to the President’s benefit.

BOB SCHIEFFER: All right. Let’s shift to domestic politics. Apparently, a big battle coming in the Congress over immigration, the President saying he may take unilateral action that will keep millions of people in this country, illegal immigrants, from being deported. Republicans say that’s waving a red flag in front of a bull. They’re going to try to stop that, some are even talking about maybe shutting down the government. What is your advice to the Republicans at this point, Governor?

MITT ROMNEY: Well– well, my advice to the– to the Democrats at this point and to the President, in particular, is take a breath. The President said that he was not on the ballot in the election that was just held but that his policies were. And the American people sent a very clear message to the President about his policies, they’re not happy about them. The President ought to let the Republican Congress, the Republican House and the Republican Senate come together with legislation that they put on his desk which relates to immigration. And he can veto it or not, but let the Congress and let the selection have its say as opposed to jumping in and by doing something unilaterally and in a way which is extra constitutional, he’s poking an eye into– at the Republican leaders and in Congress and he’s making it more difficult for there to be a permanent solution to this issue. What he’s proposing to do is a temporary solution which would ultimately potentially be reversed by a Republican President. It’s the wrong way to go. It doesn’t help the people that are really are hurt by the lack of policy in this area. And it’s– it’s going to set back as opposed to bring forward the– the needed reforms that the American people want.

BOB SCHIEFFER: If it came to shutting down the government to prevent him from doing that, would you advise Republicans to do that or would you want them to do something else?

MITT ROMNEY: Well, I think they’ve got to be more productive ways for us to be able to impress on the President the need to work for a permanent solution as opposed to a temporary stopgap solution. This idea of poking Republicans with a stick in the eye is not a good idea. He knows that. Look I had a circumstance where I fought very hard to get a majority in my state of Democrats whittled down a bit and so I ran Republican state senators and state representatives. We worked very hard, and guess what I lost. I didn’t pick up a single seat. But instead of fighting the Democrat majority we sat down and said, you know, we got to go about the people’s business. The President has got to learn that he lost this last election round. The American people spoke loud and clear. Let those people who were elected come together with a piece of legislation on this and other topics and then he has a chance to veto them, if he doesn’t like them. But the idea of violating the principles of our Constitution which is a balance of power, checks and balances, that is something which is wrong and I think would not to be to the President’s benefit.