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11 Signs Of A Sociopath. (Does this decribe Obama?)

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Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: alicewonders on November 18, 2014, 10:12:11 pm ---Thanks for the suggestion Cyber.  I seem to be a sociopath magnet.  I know some personally, think I'll read that.

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Sociopaths are drawn to nice people, Alice.  They're "takers" and "users," and we're easy marks.  Well, I'm not very nice, but they try.

olde north church:
Those which apply aren't my fault.


--- Quote from: Cyber Liberty on November 18, 2014, 10:48:43 pm ---Sociopaths are drawn to nice people, Alice.  They're "takers" and "users," and we're easy marks.  Well, I'm not very nice, but they try.

--- End quote ---

Maybe that's it - and yes, you are nice!


Cyber Liberty:

--- Quote from: alicewonders on November 18, 2014, 11:26:38 pm ---Maybe that's it - and yes, you are nice!


--- End quote ---


Pay particular attention to Red Flag #7.  Recognizing a "using relationship" should be one of your first tools to learn.  They don't have "friends," they have "resources."

I have sociopath in my extended family and all 11 are spot on....


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