Author Topic: Muslim Brotherhood To Commemorate Genocidal Jihad At DC’s National Cathedral  (Read 422 times)

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Muslim Brotherhood To Commemorate Genocidal Jihad At DC’s National Cathedral

Posted on November 14, 2014   

Islamofascism: On Friday, for the first time, the venerable Washington National Cathedral will be used as a mosque, with radical Muslims leading prayers. Islamist infiltration of the Beltway is nearly complete.

Drunk with “interfaith” tolerance, church officials agreed to let the Islamists make “a statement.” About what? How gullible they are?

The 100-year-old Episcopal church, dubbed our “National House of Prayer” by Congress, is where we hold funerals for our presidents, like Reagan, and our heroes, like Neil Armstrong. There are few more powerful symbols of our Judeo-Christian culture than the cathedral — and that’s exactly why the Islamists targeted it.

As the Washington Post explained, “Organizers said they are seeking to make a statement by having Muslim leaders come and hold their service in such a visible Christian house of worship.”

Who are these “organizers”? Members of known Muslim Brotherhood front groups, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). The Justice Department has identified both as belonging to the Hamas wing of the radical Brotherhood. It’s also implicated them in a Hamas conspiracy to raise millions for Palestinian suicide bombers. These co-sponsors of the National Cathedral jumuah (“for invited guests only”) remain unindicted co-conspirators in a major terror case.

CAIR is so toxic the FBI won’t do outreach with the group. But cathedral clergy rolled out prayer rugs for it.

Another co-sponsor is the ADAMS (All Dulles Area Muslim Society) mosque of Northern Virginia, which the Brotherhood controls through deed-holder ISNA.

“We want the world to see the Christian community is partnering with us and is supporting our religious freedom in the same way we are calling for religious freedom for all minorities in Muslim countries,” an ADAMS spokesman claimed.

Really? We don’t recall ADAMS demanding Palestinians to stop denying Jews access to the Temple Mount. Or the Brotherhood to stop burning Coptic churches. Or the Saudis to stop persecuting non-Muslims.

We’ll believe such interfaith efforts are real when ADAMS opens its own building for Christian prayers.

Meanwhile, CAIR is advising U.S. mosque leaders to lawyer up before letting FBI agents into mosques to seek their help discouraging Islamic State recruits.

Let’s see, we’ll let known terrorist supporters into our most revered places of worship, yet Muslims won’t let us into theirs to ferret out terrorists.



Prayer carpets have been laid out under the soaring arches of the Washington National Cathedral for an unprecedented Muslim worship service in one of America’s best-known churches.

Church leaders and their Muslim partners say they hope the Friday Jumaa prayers will send a message of interfaith brotherhood that counters extremists’ use of religion to justify hatred and strife.

The idea came to the cathedral’s director of religious liturgy, Rev. Gina Campbell, and South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool, who is a Muslim, when they organized an interfaith memorial service for Nelson Mandela last year.

The carpets have been arrayed diagonally in the transept, to the side of the sanctuary, so that worshipers can face in the direction of Mecca without seeing crosses or Christian icons. Muslims are not supposed to pray in view of sacred symbols alien to their faith.

Ambassador Rasool said the service is meant to be both a symbol for America’s three million Muslims to feel welcomed in its predominantly Christian society, as well as for Muslims in countries where they are the majority, to show hospitality to people of minority faiths.

Despite its name, the Washington National Cathedral is not an official U.S. government church, which is prohibited by the Constitution. However, the Episcopal church, which is funded by private donations, does possess important symbolic value and regularly hosts official events, such as presidential inaugurations and funerals.

The Washington Post reports that the Washington National Cathedral will host a Muslim prayer service this Friday. The cathedral, part of the Episcopal Church, has long been the site of important services, including memorial services for presidents, some of whom are buried there. But the Cathedral has never before been used for Muslim services.

The Post reports this as a feel-good story. It quotes a local Muslim spokesperson who says:

We want the world to see the Christian community is partnering with us and is supporting our religious freedom in the same way we are calling for religious freedom for all minorities in Muslim countries. Let this be a lesson to the world.

But it’s difficult to feel good about this story because it turns out that the Espiscopal Church is partnering with Islamists. Deep into the Post’s story we learn that among the organizations sponsoring the prayer event are the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Although the Post does not mention it, both ISNA and CAIR are Islamist advocates of sharia law with a history of supporting terrorism. Neil Munro refreshes our recollection:

In 2009, both groups were confirmed as co-conspirators in a conspiracy to deliver funds to the Gaza-based Hamas jihad group, which regularly launches attacks to kill Jews in Israel.

This year, Hamas launched more than 4,000 rockets at Jews in Israel, often from within civilian areas.

Hamas is an affiliate of the Egypt-based Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood, which was ousted from power in Egypt by huge public protest in 2012. Both CAIR and ISNA have close ties to the brotherhood movement.

Accordingly, the message sent by the Episcopal Church’s invitation is, as Robert Spencer says, “that U.S. mainline churches have no interest in encouraging genuine Muslim reform, but rather are aiding and enabling Brotherhood front groups in the U.S.” This message will not be lost on Muslim audiences in the Middle East, where Christians are being persecuted and even murdered.

This is not the first time that the Episcopal Church has sent a message via its policy on usage of the Cathedral. As Munro reminds us, in 2011 evangelicals were excluded from services commemorating the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

Yes to terror-supporting Islamists; no to Christian evangelicals — this is the message from the Episcopal Church. It’s a message that reflects the posture of the left-wing political establishment which the Church for years has mimicked.

JOHN adds: This is outrageous:

We want the world to see the Christian community is partnering with us and is supporting our religious freedom in the same way we are calling for religious freedom for all minorities in Muslim countries. Let this be a lesson to the world.

Really? And what have these supposed Muslim leaders done to bring about “religious freedom for all minorities in Muslim countries”? Absolutely nothing. There is no such freedom. If anyone were to suggest that a Muslim church be turned over to Christians for a worship service in a majority-Muslim country, violence would almost certainly result. Religious freedom is anathema to Islam. Christians are the world’s most persecuted group, by a large margin, but leaders of mainstream American denominations like the Episcopalians couldn’t possibly care less.



100 years ago today, the last Caliph, or emperor of Islam, declared the last Jihad against the infidel– and today is the first time ever that the National Cathedral in the nation’s capital will host Muslim prayers.

Most American’s will have no idea that, as part of World War I, the then-Caliph of the Ottoman empire declared a Holy War against infidels, as was his right within sharia law and Islamic theology. You can read the full fatwa here (ignore the date of 1915 which is an original typo).

That statement by the last sitting head of what was the theocratic empire of Islam was the catalyst which led to religiously-fueled genocide against Christian Armenians and Assyrians.

The Episcopal church leaders who agreed to the host Muslim prayers inside the Washington cathedral probably have no idea what happened a century ago in Asia Minor, or that there even was a Caliph in office at the beginning of the 20th century.

However, we can rest assured that the co-organizers do, for they include the Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR), The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and the All-Dulles Area Muslims Society (ADAMS) Center.

Both CAIR and ISNA will be fully aware of the significance of November 14th, seeing as both organizations were declared by a federal court to be unindicted co-conspirators of Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood terror group, in the largest terrorist financing trial in US history.

Those muslims who have a supremacist understanding of their religion, such as members of Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood – which was recently declared an illegal terrorist organization in the country of its founding, Egypt – have a special regard for historic dates and anniversaries.

It is, of course, no accident that the 9/11 attacks, the worst terror attacks in world history, occurred exactly to the day in 1683 when the Islamic Ottoman forces were defeated outside the city walls of Vienna, the deepest the Islamic Caliphate’s forces made it into the heart of the Christian West.

There is nothing inherently wrong about interfaith initiatives as long as they start from the same place: a mutual respect for the belief system of the other, and their inherent dignity as humans created by God. When one party acts in bad faith based upon its ideological commitment to see other faiths destroyed or subjected, then the event runs the risk of becoming a propaganda coup for the extremists and their followers.

The fact that this event is occurring just as ancient Christian communities are being destroyed in the Middle East and “non-believers” are being actually crucified by ISIS jihadists makes it all the more egregious.

We know that the Episcopal church is in trouble with more conservative believers leaving in great numbers and the remaining adherents not exactly outdoing their Catholic cousins in terms of reproducing the next generation of believers. But I doubt they also understand the finer points of jihadist doctrine, one of which is that if a place of worship is used by Muslims for their prayers, that territory subsequently becomes part of Dar al Islam, sacred muslim land. Forever.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 11:56:32 am by rangerrebew »