Author Topic: Right On Schedule, More Global Warming Tripe  (Read 270 times)

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Right On Schedule, More Global Warming Tripe
« on: November 15, 2014, 11:23:04 am »

Right On Schedule, More Global Warming Tripe

by Whoopie • 14 November, 2014 • Culture, Politics, Tech • 2 Comments

By now we’re familiar with some of the scarier potential impacts of climate change: Floods, fires, stronger hurricanes, violent conflicts.

Well, here’s a new one to add to your nightmares. Lightning strikes in the continental United States will increase roughly 12 percent for every degree Celsius of global warming, a study published today in Science finds.

If warming continues unchecked, that could translate into a 50 percent increase in lightning by the end of the century—three strikes then for every two strikes now. (On average, there are currently about 25 million strikes per year.)

Get your equal share of gloom and doom:

Well, I could’ve predicted this. There’s nothing like a cold spell to trigger a fresh flood of global warming hysteria.

I guess we’re all supposed to be so frightened by the latest predictions of global warming induced calamity that we won’t notice that it’s freakin’ freezing outside.

As for this latest ‘study says’ prediction, there hasn’t been a single degree of temperature rise in last 18 years and 2 months. So a 12% increase in anything times zero equals… NOTHING!

In the clarity of hindsight, there hasn’t been a single prediction made by these know-it-alls that have come to pass:

Winters have not become milder nor Summers scoarching hot. Last Winter was brutally cold and we’ve had the coolest Summer on record.

Global temperatures have not risen in 18 years and although they call it a pause, the fact is, unless it ever re-starts, it’s an outright stoppage.

Coastal flooding has not happened. Sea levels have risen only negligibly, a few scant centimeters over the last 150 years.

Polar bears have not gone extinct, in fact their population is on the increase.

The Arctic is not ice free, indeed ice cover at both poles is on the increase breaking historical records.

Killer Hurricanes are not on the increase, Florida hasn’t suffered a hurricane in 9 years.

There have been no widespread crop failures or mass famines anywhere in the world, not even in Africa where such events have been a yearly tradition in times past.

We have over the last few years been given any number of deadlines to act or the damage to the planet will be irreversible, and yet, all have come and gone with no dire consequence evident. If indeed we’ve passed some point of no return, why then do the Warmists continue to harangue us?

I have to say this bout of Leftist nonsense has been going on now for 30 years with no end yet in sight, although it does seem to be petering out at long last.

Before that it was overpopulation that was going to cause the end of humanity and the planet and before that, we were supposed to have run out of oil, coal and natural gas 20 years ago.

In bygone times idiots like this would wander the streets wearing sackcloth and carrying signs that read “The end is near” but now, thanks to our internet information age and the unholy alliance of a political agenda bound and determined to strip us of every shred of money and freedom this absurd nonsense has been rubbed in our faces to the point of rage.

Enough already!