General Category > Immigration/Border




by CAROLINE MAY  14 Nov 2014, 11:34 AM PDT

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- While Rep. Luis Gutierrez’s (D-IL) main concern right now is preparing for executive amnesty, he told reporters Friday that any further delays from administrative action on immigration could lead him to consider a Democratic primary challenge.
“Let me put this presidential thing in context. There are activists throughout the country that are circulating petitions asking that I run for President of the United States. I assure you I would file my FEC reports, which I have not. If you go to my website you will see what I am preparing for is for registering people for administrative relief that is my focus and my energy,” Gutierrez said when asked about recent reports that he is considering a presidential run.
“If I feel the president and vis-à-vis Democrats are delaying this action, come Thanksgiving I would have to make a decision on whether or not there should be a serious challenge in the Democratic primary to raise the issue,” he said.

Gutierrez argued that the immigrant community is frustrated with the politicization of the issue and the recent delay in action, specifically at the end of the summer.

“No more delays,” he stressed.

When asked what would constitute a delay, Gutierrez said after Thanksgiving.

The Illinois congressman, however, expressed optimism that there would not be a delay.

“The one thing I know for sure is that there aren’t partisan political considerations being made, that is the Dec. 7 runoff in Louisiana is not a consideration. It is a question I have been told — from the highest sources — simply of scheduling,” Gutierrez said.

“Of the five things I’ve read — whether they’re in Fox News or in the New York Times — I know some of it to be true. Right. So maybe the rest of it is true,” he added.

Is this Gutierrez guy even an American citizen?...oh wait...that doesn't matter anymore......they are all bound and determined to turn the US into a 3rd world country..


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