Author Topic: Yet Another Video Emerges Of Obamacare Architect Calling Americans ‘Stupid’ [VIDEO]  (Read 282 times)

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Yet Another Video Emerges Of Obamacare Architect Calling Americans ‘Stupid’ [VIDEO]

Posted By Alex Griswold On 11:05 PM 11/11/2014 In | No Comments

Yet another video has emerged of MIT professor and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber calling Americans “stupid,” and bragging about how the Affordable Care Act’s drafters had to deceive the public in order to pass the law.

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly was the first to air the video on her program, “The Kelly File.” Kelly played the video of Gruber appearing on MSNBC’s “Ronan Farrow Daily” apologizing for his earlier remarks. “I was speaking off the cuff and I spoke inappropriately, and I regret making those comments,” he said.

“But now tonight,” Kelly reported, ” more video has surfaced showing this was not the first time Mr. Gruber called the American people stupid in an ‘off-the-cuff’ remark. In this next clip from also last year, Mr. Gruber explains how Democrats played with the language of the Obamacare law so that it achieved their goals, by again, fooling the stupid public.”

She then played a short 5-second clip of Gruber, saying the following, that a part of the Obamacare passed because “the American people are too stupid to understand the difference.”

Kelly didn’t say much about the background of the clip, but the video appears to be from a lecture Gruber gave at Washington University in St. Louis in October of last year, entitled “Cost of Health Care.” Indeed, Gruber’s remarks can be heard around the 31-minute mark of the University’s video of the event. (RELATED: Gruber Now Accusing GOP Of Trying To ‘Confuse People’ About Obamacare)

The longer video also give the full background of Gruber’s remarks. Gruber was talking about the so-called “Cadillac tax” in Obamacare, which increased the tax on high-end insurance packages. The fact that Obamacare would raise taxes was seen as politically toxic. But then-Senator John Kerry came up with the idea of taxing the companies providing the Cadillac plans, rather than taxing Americans directly.

Gruber told him that it was the same thing, and he didn’t see why that’s matter. “You’ll see,” responded Kerry. Sure enough, the provision passed, in Gruber’s estimation because ”the American people are too stupid to understand the difference.”

Watch Wash U’s video while you can, considering what the last university to host video of a controversial Gruber lecture tried to do.

[h/t Mediaite]

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