Author Topic: Liberal Federal Judge Strips Arizona of Right to Protect Itself  (Read 288 times)

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Liberal Federal Judge Strips Arizona of Right to Protect Itself

Posted 2 hours ago by Dave Jolly Filed under 10th Amendment, Immigration, Liberal Bullying, State Laws

Susan Ritchie Bolton is a very liberal judge that was appointed to the US District Court for the District of Arizona in 2000 by then President Bill Clinton. During her time on the District Court, Bolton has ruled not on law or the US Constitution but on the liberal agenda of the Democratic Party of stripping states of their Tenth Amendment rights.

In 2010, Bolton ruled in the case the United States v. Arizona when Attorney General Eric Holder challenged Arizona’s SB 1070 immigration law. In that ruling, Bolton blocked several key sections of the law which stripped law enforcement officers from being able to identify illegal aliens. In her ruling, Bolton wrote:

"Requiring police to check the immigration status of those they arrest or whom they stop and suspect are in the country illegally would overwhelm the federal government's ability to respond, and could mean legal immigrants are wrongly arrested. Federal resources will be taxed and diverted from federal enforcement priorities as a result of the increase in requests for immigration status determination that will flow from Arizona."

That was a bunch of political crap because the federal government wasn’t doing anything to stop the massive flood of illegals entering into the state. Arizona was forced to pass their own immigration law because the feds were not enforcing theirs.

Now Bolton has taken another step to strip the state of Arizona of their constitutional right to protect themselves by striking down a 2005 state law that made smuggling illegals into the state a state crime. Just like in her previous ruling, Bolton claimed the state law stepped on the toes of the feds. She wrote:

“[The state law] imposes additional and different state penalties than federal law; it divests federal authorities of the exclusive power to prosecute these specific smuggling crimes; and criminalizes conduct not covered by (federal law) because it does not contain a safe harbor exception for religious activities like the federal statute does.”

Bolton’s ruling piggybacks on the ruling made recently by the most liberal court in the land, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals that struck down another Arizona immigration law that made it a crime to harbor an illegal alien. Since the harboring law was nullified, it only made sense that liberals would push to overturn the state’s smuggling law.

Omar Jadwat, an ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project attorney was thrilled with Bolton’s ruling, saying:

“Yet another Arizona anti-immigrant law has now been struck down. Since we prevailed in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals against Arizona's so-called ‘harboring’ law it has been clear that this smuggling provision’s days were numbered, and we are glad that the district court properly ruled it unconstitutional.”

Notice how he refers to the Arizona laws as anti-immigration laws. That is typical liberal twisting of words. The Arizona laws are only anti-ILLEGAL immigration laws and have nothing to do with legal immigration.

Obama’s pro-illegal immigration administration has been doing everything possible to keep states like Arizona from protecting themselves. In another one of their attacks, the Justice Department got a federal judge to rule that Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was violating the constitutional rights of Hispanics by checking immigration and citizenship status during immigration raids and traffic stops.

Ask yourself why the federal government works so hard to protect illegals at the sake of US citizens? Why do they refuse to protect Americans from illegal human and drug trafficking? The willful refusal to enforce federal immigration laws and the placing of Americans in harm’s way should constitute treason in that they are aiding and abetting enemies of our country and failing to protect US citizens.

If you don’t think illegals are enemies of the state, then I urge you to go spend some time talking with Americans who live near the border and those who live in areas that have been overrun with illegals. I’ve been there and lived there. The neighborhood I lived in 20 years ago was a nice family friendly neighborhood. Now it looks like a blighted area, the crime rate has skyrocketed and property values plummeted. Home burglaries, theft and assault have replaced the family friendly atmosphere and it’s all because of house loads of illegals that moved into the area.

Ranchers along the border carry guns with them at all times, even keeping one handy at night when they are trying to sleep. They’ve been shot at and there lands are being trashed by the constant flood of illegals that Obama has been allowing to enter the country and now seems on the verge of granting them all amnesty. We need to stop Obama, stop the liberal judges and stop the illegals!