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Blue Texas


Texas will never be Blue. The Liberals can dream about it. They can pull all their might on Texas. It will not work. Let the Liberals live in thier 'enlightened Liberal land', and leave us the hell alone.
In fact, if any territory will secede, Texas will lead the way. To hell with D.C.
We don't need them anyway. "You didn't build that!?" Well, You didn't build Washington D.C.! We did! and now we want our money back. And now we want out based on what you have become.
F**k the Union. We will go it on our own.

What will you do with all of the democrat voters, in the Lone Star state; places like Austin, inner city districts of Houston, etc?


--- Quote from: truth_seeker on November 09, 2014, 02:12:56 am ---What will you do with all of the democrat voters, in the Lone Star state; places like Austin, inner city districts of Houston, etc?

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Obviously not their problem...


--- Quote from: truth_seeker on November 09, 2014, 02:12:56 am ---What will you do with all of the democrat voters, in the Lone Star state; places like Austin, inner city districts of Houston, etc?

--- End quote ---

tax them?


--- Quote from: truth_seeker on November 09, 2014, 02:12:56 am ---What will you do with all of the democrat voters, in the Lone Star state; places like Austin, inner city districts of Houston, etc?

--- End quote ---

Install an expiration date for all welfare recipients and soon they'll move back to New Orleans.   :whistle:


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