Author Topic: Fournier: Obama Post-Election Presser ‘Beneath The Office’ Of The Presidency [VIDEO]  (Read 212 times)

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Fournier: Obama Post-Election Presser ‘Beneath The Office’ Of The Presidency [VIDEO]

Posted By Al Weaver On 8:13 PM 11/06/2014 In | No Comments

Discussing the GOP victories in the midterms Tuesday night, National Journal political columnist Ron Fournier opined to “Special Report” anchor Bret Baier Thursday night that President Obama’s post-election press conference was “beneath the office” of the presidency “in a sense of pretending that this wasn’t a shellacking.”

Fournier also laid blame at the feet of both parties, specifically pointing to the GOP’s talk of “repealing” Obamacare and the Democrats “pushing his political nuclear button.”

Fournier: I was thinking today when I was a kid, me and my two brothers, all about the same age, our parents would get mad at us for fighting. Stop fighting and swat us maybe and send us to our room. And the first thing we would do when we got in the room is start fighting again. It’s exactly what happened this week. The electorate was very clear: stop fighting and get something done.

Now, the president, as the titular head of the country, the constitutional head of the country deserves and has gotten most blame but they want both parties to work together and address these big problems, and look what is happening. They both have come out, the president insisting on taking this politically — just pushing his political nuclear button and republicans talking about repealing a law that they know they can’t repeal. It’s petulism at its highest.

Baier: Around the edges they both talked about common ground and thought working together…but you get to the heart of Obamacare, immigration…

Fournier: The president particular, I thought his news conference yesterday was beneath the office in a sense of pretending that this wasn’t a shellacking and just giving lip service to common ground. It was — he said he heard the American people but clearly he has not.

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