Author Topic: Django Actress Blames Racial Profiling for Lying About Racial Profiling  (Read 375 times)

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Django Actress Blames Racial Profiling for Lying About Racial Profiling

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On November 5, 2014 @ 9:13 am In The Point | 5 Comments

I’m sorry I lied about all the racism. I did it because of the racism.

Embattled actress Daniele Watts, who has become more well-known for pulling the race card prior to being briefly detained by the LAPD than for her role in the Oscar-winning movie Django Unchained, is blaming her conduct on society and the allegedly racially-charged shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

“If we’re going to condemn me, then we also have to look at the entire society that I am a product of,” Watts contended while speaking at a panel discussion on Monday at the University of Southern California School of Law.

Society. Is there anything we can’t blame on it?

Watts didn’t lie about the racism. Society lied about it. Also society once shoplifted a bunch of stuff from a drugstore.

“At a certain point, enough is enough and somebody has to say something,” Watts said.

And that something is a crazy lie.

Watts added that the incidents in Ferguson further propelled her reaction to Sgt. Parker when he arrived to investigate a claim that she and boyfriend Brian James Lucas were making love in public.

Watts allegedly refused to furnish her ID to Sgt. Parker, claiming she was being racially-profiled because she is black and her boyfriend is white. Sgt. Parker says he was merely responding to complaints from nearby business owners that Watts and her boyfriend were engaged in lewd sexual acts in their car.

Will Darrell Wilson’s reign of terror never end? He didn’t just shoot the gentle robbing giant, but he also made Watts lie. Him and society.

Watts said she hoped the panel discussion at USC would drive the broader societal conversation about race forward.

I hope it can also drive a conversation about looking into USC’s budget.

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