Author Topic: Obama's Economic Propaganda Has a Limited Shelf Life  (Read 340 times)

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Offline Frank Archer

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Obama's Economic Propaganda Has a Limited Shelf Life
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:25:18 pm »
David Limbaugh writes:

Democrats rarely, if ever, admit that their policies haven’t worked, and President Obama never admits it. They either sanitize the record or blame Republicans. In fact, to listen to Obama tell the story, you would assume we’re in a period of robust growth. ... People say numbers don’t lie, but the unemployment numbers alone do. Unfortunately for Obama, unemployed people know they don’t have jobs.

The same is true with health care. Obama can spin it however he wants to, but people know that their premiums are going up, that they’re losing their plans and doctors, that the White House has been dishonest about all aspects of Obamacare, and that the administration has made a colossal mess of rolling it out and administering it....

Just look at what is happening with the economy. Personal spending has been falling instead of rising; child poverty is at the highest point it’s been in two decades; the so-called “job vacancy rate,” according to Harvard economics professor Greg Mankiw, is back to the pre-crisis level; and even a recent relatively optimistic report on the gross domestic product may have been misleading because of a statistical error in Obama’s favor.

Democratic candidates did their best to steer clear of Obama, but I don’t think many of them want to go so far as to specifically condemn his economic record, because most voters know they’ve enabled him every step of the way. And Obama himself would never agree to unveil a new set of economic or health care policies, because he is congenitally incapable of admitting mistakes and changing his course.

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