Author Topic: Who Is Obama to Insult a Genuine War Hero? More on the White House's insults of Prime Minister Netanyahu.  (Read 293 times)

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Ben Stein's Diary

Who Is Obama to Insult a Genuine War Hero?

More on the White House's insults of Prime Minister Netanyahu

By Ben Stein – 11.4.14

In the annals of political dirt, nothing since the Civil War touches President Barack Obama’s vilifying of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in recent days.

The alert reader will recall that some unnamed White House staff members spoke in an interview with a famous magazine about PM Netanyahu and called him “a chicken s--t coward.” The White House did not apologize for these scurrilous smears, did not promise to find out who had said them, and did not promise to dismiss whoever said them. This means that for all intents and purposes, they were said by Mr. Obama himself.

Now, first of all, to call the head of government of the only legitimate state in the Middle East, the only real democracy in the region, in some ways the only government of laws east of Italy, a “chickens--t coward...” is indecent and disgusting. To apply this language to the head of the only state in the world actually willing to fight against terrorism for human dignity is revolting on a scale beyond what I can say.

But it gets far worse. Benjamin Netanyahu is an authentic war hero. He fought in combat in the Six Day War both on the Suez front and in Syria. He participated in daring commando raids in that war. He fought on the Suez Canal in the War of Attrition in 1969 to ’73 when Egypt tried to wear down the Israel Defense Forces with a limitless store of Soviet supplied munitions. He fought in the Yom Kippur War.

When I say he “fought,” I don’t mean he was a supply officer. He was in there toe to toe with the Arabs, getting wounded at least three times. His life was at risk more times than can be readily counted.

He fought in several Israeli commando strikes into Jordan in ’68 and ’69 to destroy the bases of the PLO and its leader, the great friend of Bill and Hillary, Yasser Arafat. He was in desperate firefights in which the Israeli units were close to overwhelmed by the terrorists and the Jordanian Army working together to further terrorism against Israeli school children.

He took part in the rescue of the passengers on a Sabena jet passenger plane that had been hijacked by Palestinian terrorists. He was wounded in that action, as well.

(This is not to dwell upon the fact that his brother was the leader of the famed raid on Entebbe — in which the hostages on an Israeli passenger plane hijacked to Uganda by PLO terrorists were freed — and was killed in that operation.)

Barack Obama never saw one instant’s military service. Not even a second. He never wore a uniform. Never picked up a gun. How this wicked man can call a genuine hero, a genuine man of supreme courage, a “chickens--t coward” and get away with it just boggles the mind. It is evidence of Mr. Obama’s low anti-Semitism. The sad truth that this has not become a national furor is testimony to how many people connect with that horrific racism.

What terrifying times we live in.

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"What terrifying times we live in."


Good article.  Thanks.

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