Author Topic: White House: President Obama ‘Doesn’t Feel Repudiated’  (Read 303 times)

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White House: President Obama ‘Doesn’t Feel Repudiated’
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:54:14 am »
- The Daily Caller - -

White House: President Obama ‘Doesn’t Feel Repudiated’

Posted By Alex Griswold On 12:23 AM 11/05/2014 In | No Comments

Despite an election that saw Republicans taking control of the Senate and making gains in the House, a White House aide told The New York Times that President Barack Obama is not taking the loss personally.

From the NYT piece:

Sagging in the polls and unwelcome in most competitive races across the country, Mr. Obama bristled as the last campaign that would influence his presidency played out while he sat largely on the sidelines. He privately complained that it should not be a judgment on him. “He doesn’t feel repudiated,” the aide said Tuesday night.

This, after an election cycle that saw Republicans running on an anti-Obama platform, while Democrats desperately ran from the president. Even Obama admitted his policies were on the ballot. (RELATED: Yet Another Democrat Won’t Say If She Voted For Obama)

[h/t New York Times]

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