Author Topic: A very dangerous time  (Read 277 times)

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A very dangerous time
« on: November 05, 2014, 07:04:34 am »
In an article entitled, "America faces most dangerous two years in 150 years," Charles Hurt of The Washington Times notes the following:

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s court-packing scheme during the Great Depression was nothing like the strains this president has put on Constitution. Indeed, not since the Civil War has America faced such a dire threat to her existence as a lawful, constitutional republic.

The difference in leadership between then and now could not be more striking.

To bind the union, Abraham Lincoln took an economic and political war and elevated it into something higher. He made it about emancipating slaves and won. And saved the Republic.

This president does the opposite. He got elected promising to elevate politics but instead finds unity and sows discord, often inciting racial divisions.

America’s only hope today is that President Obama finally turns to the bust of Lincoln he keeps in the Oval Office and listens.

Regrettably, Mr. Hurt is probably correct.

Anyway, here is the link:  HURT: America faces most dangerous two years in 150 years - Washington Times