Author Topic: “This is What a Feminist Looks Like” T-Shirts Made by Slave Labor Women  (Read 340 times)

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“This is What a Feminist Looks Like” T-Shirts Made by Slave Labor Women

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On November 2, 2014 @ 7:12 pm In The Point | 8 Comments

You go girls. Sleep 16 to a room. Earn a buck an hour. So leftist hacks can wear t-shirts claiming to be feminists.

 They are the T-shirts designed to make a political statement about women’s rights – but the female workers making them are paid just 62p an hour in an Indian Ocean ‘sweatshop’.

Between shifts women making garments emblazoned with the slogan ‘This is what a feminist looks like’ sleep in spartan dormitories, 16 to a room.

There are around 2,800 female machinists. Workers are expected to produce around 50 shirts a day and face discipline if they do not reach their target.

Deputy Labour Leader Harriet Harman wore a shirt carrying the slogan on the front bench of the Commons during Prime Minister’s Questions last week, while the Labour and Liberal Democrat leaders proudly posed for photographs in Elle’s ‘feminism issue’ in the T-shirts.

Celebrities pictured wearing the feminist T-shirt in Elle magazine include Benedict Cumberbatch, Tinie Tempah, Eddie Izzard, Richard E Grant and Simon Pegg.

When she founded Whistles, former Topshop executive Jane Shepherdson vowed: ‘Customers cannot keep buying cheap clothes and not ask where they come from’ – as ‘someone somewhere down the line is paying’.

Instead they can keep buying expensive clothes that are made the same exact way.

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