Author Topic: Senator Jeanne Shaheen Accuses Census Bureau of Right Wing Conspiracy  (Read 321 times)

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Senator Jeanne Shaheen Accuses Census Bureau of Right Wing Conspiracy

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On November 1, 2014 @ 11:23 pm In The Point | 1 Comment

The vast right wing conspiracy is the conspiracy that keeps on giving. When you need to blame an inconvenient fact on a conspiracy, blame the right wing conspiracy.

It worked for Hillary Clinton. It almost sorta didn’t work for Senator Jeanne Shaheen.

Incumbent Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) attacked data from the U.S. Census Bureau at a press conference on Friday as part of a vast “right-wing” conspiracy out to get her in the upcoming election.

Former Sen. Scott Brown, Shaheen’s Republican opponent, cited the study during Thursday night’s final debate moderated by ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos.

Shaheen, when asked by Breitbart News about a recent study from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) that found 71 percent of all New Hampshire jobs since 2000 have gone to both legal and illegal aliens rather than New Hampshire citizens, ducked for cover.

“My understanding is that’s a study sponsored by a right-wing organization,” she replied.

When Breitbart News noted that the study is based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau and other government sources—and includes no data from non-governmental sources—her communications director Harrell Kirsten abruptly called an end to the press conference inside the local Democratic Party headquarters and ushered her away from reporters.

“That’s all the time we have, thank you,” Kirstein said.

CIS’s data has been fairly consistent among states and there isn’t much debate about it. Considering that the Obama recession nuked middle class jobs, it’s not surprising that the growth is mainly coming at the lower end of the job market and favors people who will work for the least amount of money and ask for very little from their employers. You can call these Food Stamp jobs in many cases because they’re actually subsidized by taxpayers anyway.

Liberals occasionally acknowledge this reality before attempting to evade it. And what better way to evade it than to attack the messenger.

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Re: Senator Jeanne Shaheen Accuses Census Bureau of Right Wing Conspiracy
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2014, 01:42:27 pm »
My guess she is going to lose.
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Ronald Reagan: “Rather than...talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems and make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit…earning here they pay taxes here.”