Author Topic: Former Weather Channel CEO Hits CNN Over Global Warming, ‘Climate Denier’ Label  (Read 759 times)

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Former Weather Channel CEO Hits CNN Over Global Warming, ‘Climate Denier’ Label

Posted By Al Weaver On 2:57 PM 11/02/2014 In | No Comments

Former Weather Channel CEO and Founder John Coleman continued his critique of his former network following his appearance Monday on “The Kelly File,” telling CNN the Weather Channel has become politicized and that the global warming “denier” tag is meant to “put me down.”

Coleman made the comments to “Reliable Sources” host Brian Stelter Sunday.

“I resent you calling me a denier, that is a word meant to put me down,” a defiant Coleman told Stelter, who opened the show telling his audience that climate change is “one of the greatest crises we face.”

“I’m a skeptic about climate change, not a denier,” Coleman added.

“CNN has taken a very strong position on global warming that it is a consensus. Well there is no consensus in science. Science isn’t a vote. Science is about facts… It has been become a big political point of the Democratic Party and part of their platform, but the science is on my side,” said Coleman.

After trying to change the conversation, Stelter was rebuffed multiple times by Coleman, who continued to push against the host, CNN and the popular notion that global warming/climate change is alive and well.

“I know we’re not [going to come to an agreement], because you wouldn’t allow it to happen on CNN. But I’m happy that I got on the air and got a chance to talk to your viewers. Hello, everybody! There is no global warming!” said Coleman.

“The Weather Channel has bought into it,” he remarked. “But so has all the media. That’s no big surprise.”

“I created a channel to give people their weather, tell them what the weather is now and what it’s going to be,” Coleman said, “to serve a real purpose. And that channel has become totally distorted.”

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