Author Topic: Barack Obama: The Man Who Doesn't Do Theater and Photo Ops  (Read 169 times)

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Barack Obama: The Man Who Doesn't Do Theater and Photo Ops
« on: October 31, 2014, 10:03:42 am »

Barack Obama: The Man Who Doesn't Do Theater and Photo Ops
October 30, 2014


RUSH: Barack Obama. Speaking of Ebola and Ebola doctors, have you seen by now the Obama photo-op with the number of doctors and nurses who have returned from Ebola countries, many of whom are still in the 21-day monitoring period?  Obama goes out of his way to shake hands with every one of them in front of the cameras, and this is just few days after he hugged the Ebola survivor, nurse Nina Pham, before the cameras in the White House.


RUSH:  As I was saying, you probably have seen the Obama photo-op with a number of doctors and nurses who have returned from the Ebola countries, and many of those doctors are still in the 21-day monitoring period, the so-called quarantine.  In fact, Obama even went out of his way to shake hands with every one of them in front of the cameras.  It was just a few days ago he hugged the Ebola survivor, nurse Nina Pham, before the cameras in the White House.

But what struck me about this, wasn't it -- or did I imagine this? -- is this the same Obama who said, when he was asked why he would not go down to the border back in September 'cause he didn't do theater.  He didn't do photo-ops. That's not what he's about.  That's not what he does.  He was not gonna entertain going to the border or going anywhere else where news is being made because he doesn't do theater.  The thing that surprised me was that the nurse, Kaci "Florence Nightingale" Hickox didn't make it to the White House for that photo-op 'cause she left her quarantine in Maine.

She's holding her own series of photo-ops.  She and her boyfriend left their house in Maine to go on a bike ride in front of an amazed and fawning media.  No, they love this woman.  Oh, they absolutely love this woman. They know she's a liberal. They know she's an Obama supporter, and she's just refusing to abide by the rules and conventions that society has set forth.  I mean, there were two dozen reporters there watching this woman.

I don't know how the governor, you know, the governor of Maine thinks that she ought to be abiding by the 21-day quarantine.  But I don't know how he's ever gonna be able to arrest her now.  She's not only an Ebola worker, but she rides a bicycle, and those people are untouchable.  Those people get away with anything.  Obama's out talking about American exceptionalism and redefining it.  We've got the audio sound bites of this coming up.

Grab line five because Patrick in Norman, Oklahoma, has a comment on Nurse Hickox.

Hey, Patrick, I'm glad you called.  Welcome to the program.

CALLER:  Hi, Rush.  Nice to talk with you.

RUSH:  Thank you, sir.

CALLER:  I was just gonna say about the nurse, arguing about whether or not she should be quarantined. She's just auditioning for her speech at the Democrat National Convention a la Sandra Fluke.

RUSH:  (laughing)  I can see that.  Auditioning for her next appearance at the Democrat National Convention.  Well, it could be firsthand contact with Ebola victims, yeah, interesting point. 


RUSH: Here is Greg in Louisville as we head back to the phones.  Great to have you.  Hello.

CALLER:  Hey, Rush.  How you doing?

RUSH:  I'm pretty good.  Thank you.

CALLER:  Good.  I'm just curious.  Has anyone looked into this nurse from Maine?  Do we know that she's legit?  Because we know that conservatives tend to out-give liberals when it comes to charity. And I'm just curious, is she perhaps just a total political operative who maybe went over to West Africa but didn't actually come in contact with any Ebola victims?  Has anyone researched her story?

RUSH:  If she's a political operative and faking all this, what would the objective be?  I assume if she's a Democrat political operative trying to help the Democrats, how does this help the Democrats by thumbing her nose at the boycott or at the quarantine.

CALLER:  Oh, I think by making her a heroine, it helps to promote unsafe protocols, and I think this president would not be at all averse to having Ebola come into the country.

RUSH:  Oh, come on.  Are you serious?

CALLER:  Yes, totally.  In fact, that's why I think he sent the military overseas.

RUSH:  For what purpose?

CALLER:  I think that he could make good utilization of a crisis like that in any number of ways.

RUSH:  Like, let me guess.  Martial law.

CALLER:  Martial law would be good.  How about huge outbreak and here comes President Obama to the rescue with his national health care plan.  I just think there's some way --

RUSH:  Well, now --

CALLER:  -- find a way to spin it --

RUSH:  -- speaking --

CALLER:  -- so the Republicans --

RUSH:  Speaking of this, I had a story the other day, remember Bob Goodlatte, congressman from Virginia, said he saw a memo that the Regime was actually thinking of bringing Ebola patients from Africa to the United States for treatment. And there's a story here, I had it, that they're not gonna do that.  Let me see if I can find it.  Here it is.  Administration: No Plans to Fly Ebola Patients to the US.  It's from  They are discussing moving sick patients from other countries back to their home countries, but there's no plan to bring Ebola patients to the United States.

Now, I think that was a trial balloon.  I think they were thinking this.  Goodlatte ran on it.  It could also have been, Mr. Snerdley said, "Nah, this is a deep-set trap.  You put the news out that we're gonna bring African victims of Ebola in and then you have Republicans react in outrage so that the Democrats can say, 'See, Republicans don't like Africans,' and then you have a campaign issue."  But it didn't last long enough for that and the Republicans didn't play ball anyway. So the plan is apparently off the table.

Folks, Greg here is by no means the first person that I have talked to who would not be surprised if Obama purposely wanted to bring Ebola patients into the country because a crisis is a terrible thing to waste.  I don't know whether it's true, but the very fact -- I guess I can sum up a point I've been trying to make for I don't know how long.  The very fact that we have people thinking this kind of thing about the president of the United States, I think, is a sign.

It's unprecedented.  But there are a lot of people that think this.  To me, it's an indication of just how divided this country is and how much mistrust there is for the people that occupy these lofty positions of leadership that they actually would believe it possible that the president would want to bring a deadly disease into the country for his own political gain.  When people start thinking things like that...  And this guy didn't sound like a nutcase.  He truly believes it. 


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