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When Leftist Race Hatred Meets Islamism
« on: October 29, 2014, 11:04:49 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

When Leftist Race Hatred Meets Islamism

Posted By Arnold Ahlert On October 29, 2014 @ 12:54 am In Daily Mailer,FrontPage | 2 Comments

Apparently the hatchet-wielding maniac who assaulted two New York City policemen in Queens had ambitions in addition to his twisted jihadist sympathies. Attacker Zale Thompson’s father told the New York Post that killing white people was also on would-be murderer’s agenda.

“He wanted white people to pay for all that slavery and all that racism,” said father Ralph Thompson. “I think he committed suicide — and he was taking one of y’all with him.” Asked if “one of y’all” referred to whites, Thompson answered in the affirmative. “He just said, ‘They have to pay for all their unfairness,’” the father explained. “Unfairness for the way they treat black people.”

Zale Thompson assaulted three white and one light-skinned Hispanic police officers while they posed for a photograph on Jamaica Avenue in Queens. White officers Kenneth Healey, 25, and Joseph Meeker, 24, were struck by the hatchet. Meeker was cut on the arm, and rookie cop Healey was struck on the back of his skull, nearly killing him. The other two officers on the scene shot Thompson dead. Sadly, innocent bystander LaToya Jones, 29, was also shot and might be paralyzed.

Thompson’s 2013 comment on Google+ revealed the animus to which his father referred. “It’s ok for white people to draw pictures of a white jesus, and then colonize Africa, and enslave the negro in America, wipe out the native American, and invade the middle east,” he wrote. “They call black people racist for rejecting the oppression they suffered from whites. Listen, when black people have colonized the entire continent of Europe, enslaved its people, and sold them into bondage to foreign lands, then you can call them racist.”

Additional comments were uncovered by the SITE Intelligence Group, an entity that monitors extremist activity. On Facebook and YouTube, Thompson characterized  Christians as “aggressive and violent” and chastised the “Christianized Negro” for adhering to the faith “his slave master gave him.” He was apparently the commenter named Zale Thompson who also offered his opinion on a YouTube video entitled, “Uprise of the Khilafah (Caliphate) World Wide”:

If you’re looking for “perfect” muslims who never make any mistakes in their Jihad, then you will be looking in vain! If the Zionists and the Crusaders had never invaded and colonized the Islamic lands after WW1, then there would be no need for Jihad! Which is better, to sit around and do nothing, or to Jihad fisabeelallah (for allah’s sake)!

There were additional comments on his Facebook page, one that that featured a man dressed as a Muslim warrior taken from the cover of a book entitled “Golden Age of the Moor,” and contained Arabic writing from the Quran that spoke to following “the straight path” through Allah.

They were equally incendiary. “The solution is to fight. Armed struggle. Simple,” he wrote, before advocating all-out guerrilla warfare on the streets of America. “America’s military is strong abroad, but they have never faced an internal mass revolt. … They are weaker at home. We are scattered and decentralized, we can use this as an advantage. They will not be able to defeat our people if we use guerilla warfare. Attack their weak flanks… If you get wounded who cares. If you die who cares. Eventually they will surrender and then the war will be over.”

After Thompson was identified as the attacker last Friday, the page was taken down.

If Thompson’s rant sounds familiar, perhaps it’s because it is a virtual echo of two Islamic extremist statements published on September 16 and 21. The first statement, entitled “To 2.6M Muslims in USA: A Call to Arms to Defend Islam and Avenge the Slaughter of Muslims” called for the killing of law enforcement officials. “Knocking off a police, military or any other law-enforcement officer sends a chilling message to the so-called ‘civilians’ and fills their hearts with consternation,” it declares.

The second statement is by ISIS spokesman Aub Mohammad al-Adnani. “Strike their police, security and intelligence members, as well as their treacherous agents,” he urges. “If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman, or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him or poison him.”

Police have been searching back as far as five years to determine if anyone Thompson communicated with was a threat. A law enforcement source explained why. “This guy spent every waking moment on the Internet,” the source stated. Subsequent reports revealed much of that Internet time was spent watching ISIS beheading videos, along with propaganda and recruitment videos from terrorist groups ISIS, al Qaeda and al-Shabaab.

Thompson had no criminal record in New York, but was arrested six times in the city of Oxnard, CA, and pleaded guilty for leaving the scene of an accident in 2003. That was the same year Thompson was involuntarily discharged after serving two years in the Navy, possibly because of drug use, according to investigation leader Chief Robert K. Boyce. He spent the last decade “adrift” according to the New York Times, and after he was evicted from his East New York, Brooklyn apartment in January, he alternated crashing with his mother and father, who lived a short distance from each other in Queens.

Unsurprisingly, his attack was supported by head of the local New Black Panther Party (NBPP) where Thompson attended meetings. Queens chapter leader Frank Sha Francois referred to Thompson as “a crusader seeking justice,” and he warned of additional attacks that are likely to arise. “It probably won’t be the last [attack on police] because you have a lot of frustrated people out here,” he told the Post. He revealed that Thompson wasn’t an official member of the group, but nonetheless attended meetings where they talked about “police brutality” cases that have yet to be officially designated as police brutality cases.

“I don’t condone violence, but something needs to be done,” Francois said. “We need to have some type of deterrent and real oversight to deter the police from violating the laws and to know they are not above the laws.” He added that he didn’t agree with Thompson’s methods. “I tell people that to go up against law enforcement in this country is suicide,” Francois explained. “Our main way to deal with it is to rally and boycotting.”

Not exactly. When racial animosity was fomented by the usual suspects after Trayvon Martin was killed, the NBPP put a $10,000 bounty on the head of George Zimmerman, with NBPP party leader Mikhail Muhammad warning that he should be “fearful for his life.”

Family and friends described Thompson as an all-around hater, in sympathy with jihadists, and directing his animus towards cops in particular and white people in general. That animus aligns itself with the racist and conspiratorial theory of “white privilege” and its laundry list of perceived grievances, all based on the wearisome victimist mentality cultivated among black Americans by the American left for more than a half-century. Hence a hater becomes a crusader with only the method for expressing that hatred — wielding an ax, for example — at issue. And as the ongoing mayhem in Ferguson, MO so amply indicates, it is a victimist mentality unresponsive to logic and lawfulness, or waiting for the facts to emerge before reaching conclusions about what “really” happened.

That’s because the unbroken narrative of “unfairness” justifies anything and everything.

It is a narrative egged on by an Obama administration that has granted an unseemly and wholly unwarranted level of credence to racial arsonists like Al Sharpton, with both Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama attending Sharpton’s annual National Action Network galas, and heaping praise on the tax-evading, hoax-perpetrating rabble-rouser.

Couple this reality with the administration’s flaccid and largely incoherent response to ISIS—a response necessitated by the president’s premature withdrawal of troops from Iraq in 2011, based on the campaign-fueled lie that “the tide of war is receding”—and the nation is facing a perfect storm. One of the administration’s own making, and one that facilitates the cultivation of domestic jihadists and racist thugs. The longer ISIS remains a threat, the greater the chance of more “lone wolves” being enchanted by its resiliency. The more this administration gins up racial animosity in a pathetic attempt to get out the minority vote in the short term, and keep black Americans on the Democrat plantation over the long haul, the more likely “crusading” cop-killer, jihadist wannabes will take their best shot.

Thompson “Googled the words ‘jihad against police,’ ” said the Post’s law enforcement source. ISIS is extremely well-versed on how to “hit a lot of different kinds of people’s buttons,” explained David Schanzer, director of the Triangle Center of Terrorism and Homeland Security at Duke University. “I didn’t know it would get that serious,” said Thompson’s father. “I didn’t know he was going to carry on a mission on his own.” Thompson was hardly alone. He had plenty of enablers, both foreign and domestic.

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