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Union Chief Urges Vote Against Obama Amnesty
« on: October 28, 2014, 10:35:55 am »
- The Daily Caller - -

Union Chief Urges Vote Against Obama Amnesty

Posted By Neil Munro On 11:31 PM 10/27/2014 In | No Comments

Americans must use next week’s election to reject President Barack Obama’s apparent plan to impose a unilateral amnesty for illegals, says the director of the union that represents the nation’s immigration officials.

“Let your voice be heard and spread the word to your neighbors…. [we] are pleading for your help – don’t let this happen,” said a statement by Kenneth Palinkas, president of the National Citizenship and Immigration Services Council.

“Whether it’s the failure to uphold the public charge laws, the abuse of our asylum procedures, the admission of Islamist radicals, or visas for health risks, the taxpayers are being fleeced and public safety is being endangered on a daily basis,” he said.

“This situation is about to get exponentially worse – and more dangerous… [because a] massive unilateral amnesty is slated to be issued after the November 2014 elections,” Palinkas continued.

The council represents 12,000 adjudicators and personnel in the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service.

The appeal is one week before the midterm elections, and one week after the exposure of a government contract offer to buy up to 34 million green-cards in five years. The draft contract also required that the winning vendor be ready to deliver 9 million green cards in one year to foreigners. (RELATED: Obama’s Deputies Prepare To Print Work Permits For Millions Of Illegals)

Roughly 4 million Americans turn 18 each year.

The disclosure spiked public worries about Obama’s repeated promise to roll back enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws that shield American blue-collar and professional employees from low-wage workplace competition by millions of foreigners who want to live and work in the United States.

Obama’s immigration policies are very unpopular among Democrats, Republicans, swing-voters and many American Latinos. (RELATED: Unreleased Poll: Democrats’ Deep Split On Amnesty)

Palinkas said the bureaucracy isn’t allowed to properly check the bona fides of the 1 million legal immigrants who enter each year.

“It is our job to ensure that terrorists, diseases, criminals, public charges, and other undesirable groups are kept out of the United States. Unfortunately, we have been blocked in our efforts to accomplish this mission and denied the professional resources, mission support, and authorities we urgently need,” he said.

Since 2009, the Obama administration has gradually rolled back enforcement of immigration law, by rewriting rules and regulations. In June 2012, for example, it forced government employees to grant residency cards and work-permit to several hundred thousand younger illegals, under the so-called “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” program.

Palinkas said security standards will drop further if the Obama administration extend its unilateral amnesty plans, as Obama has suggested he will do after the election.

“Our caseworkers still operate under a quota system that prioritizes speed over quality, and approvals over investigations…. [and] there are plans to waive interviews of applicants who seek adjustment of their status in the U.S.,” he said.

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