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Leading Democrat Claims Republicans Worse Than Disease And Mass Murder...DW Ulsterman



Well, things must be getting mighty panicked in the already distracted globe that is Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s mind. Republicans are worse than a deadly disease and a radical Muslim group that has slaughtered thousands, including American citizens?  To use that same lack of logical discourse Schultz is attempting here, then we can say that Democrats in America would prefer to eradicate Republicans much like scientists hope to eradicate Ebola and ISIS hopes to eradicate all Jews, Americans, homosexuals, many women, etc.  So that means the Democratic Party is now the part that supports Ebola and ISIS.

Ok, go ahead and run on that one Debbie…

Wasserman Schultz goes off the rails at the 4:05 mark:

Posted by ulsterman
October 27, 2014


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