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Politically, I am Through with Sarah Palin


October 24, 2014

--- Quote ---It's time for a break up.

If you haven't already seen, Sarah Palin has endorsed Bill Walker and Byron Mallott's Independent-Democrat “Unity” ticket in the Alaska gubernatorial race over Republican incumbent Sean Parnell. She endorses the Independent-Democrat ticket over the man who was her own lieutenant governor.

Because of this, as far as Republican politics are concerned, I'm finished with Sarah Palin. I have nothing but respect for her has a wife, mother, and grandmother. I pray that, should I ever be faced with the prospect of having to raise a child with Down Syndrome or any other disability, I would have the wisdom to make the kind of decision she made with Trig and that I could bear that cross so gracefully. I must also add, in light of recent events, that I find the media's treatment of the family brawl despicable, and unlike Carroll Costello, I find assault no laughing matter.

However, this isn't about Palin's family life. This is about her political decisions, both in and out of elected politics.
--- End quote ---


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