Author Topic: In Western Nations the mourning of innocents lost to terrorism has only begun  (Read 383 times)

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In Western Nations the mourning of innocents lost to terrorism has only begun

By Judi McLeod  October 26, 2014 | Comments|     

In Western Nations the mourning of innocents lost to terrorism has only begun

Terrorism run rampant is the most tragic price the masses of all Western nations pay because Western leaders long ago succumbed to the control of the despicable go-along-to-get-along rules of the politically correct.

There can be little doubt that Canada’s two terrorist attacks over a two-day span were a long time coming.  In fact, the build up of jihad on Canadian soil over decades, made terrorism in Canada inevitable.

This week’s terrorists attacks in Ottawa and Quebec, had diddley squat to do with Canada’s participation in the no-boots-on-the-ground, non-war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria,  but everything to do with Liberal Government lax immigration laws that allowed thousands of jihadists into Canada as welcome immigrants.

All citizens exposed to terrorist acts must face the harsh reality that the jihadists have had decades to build on their jihad against the same countries who so readily opened their doors to them.

Every time Western governments like Canada’s caved in to the demands of immigration-bound jihadists, they were taking a chance on the violent loss of life of their very own tax-paying citizens.

One dead soldier is too many dead soldiers, and the number of soldiers and police officers whose lives are claimed by terrorism is destined to increase in the chokehold binding politically correct status quo.
Not dressing in uniform when not on the job, not being there to cheeri on the home team at hockey games is not going to keep people safe.

Terrorists-in-training are here now and no Western Governments cowed by organizations like Code Pink and sundry Jew-haters are fixing to throw roadblocks in their way anytime soon.

Just as 1 and 1 make 2, soft-on-terrorism Western leaders combined with a compliant soft-on-terrorism mainstream media open the doors wide to the horrific slaughter of innocents.

Last week’s headline that in the two terrorist attacks ‘Canada lost its Innocence’ couldn’t be more wrong.  Canada didn’t lose its innocence, it lost its first two innocents.

People who tried to warn spineless governments that they should take a stand against terrorism with zero tolerance immigration policy were not just ignored, but allowed to be smeared as Islamaphobes and racists.

Now thousands of jihadists like the ones who have been living in European countries for decades are waiting to strike North Americans right in their own backyards.

What relief from terrorism can rationally be expected when the Marxists, including those working for global control at the money-grubbing United Nations, have thrown in with the Islamists?

What outcome other than chaos can be expected when a Marxist president, unabashed in his hatred of America is elected, not just once but twice?

Waiting for Obama to stand up to the barbarians is waiting on something that is never going to happen. 

The only time Obama stands in upright position is when he is playing golf.

Not just Obama but all Western leaders are putting the lives of their own citizens at risk.

The media continue to romanticize the image of ISIS even as young people in Western nations are running off to join their ranks.

Its not just the TSA stopping American seniors and children at airports but giving a pass to potential terrorists carrying out the instructions of the Caliphate crazed.

In Canada, many average citizens, like CFP letter writer Gus Cacciotti could see it coming: “I grew up as a kid when my parents and teachers and other elders told me to ‘be good or be gone’.

“Sadly, today, our immigration policy has let our country down to a certain degree and that is indisputable.

“This ‘political correctness’ bs has to stop and go away for starters. For example, whenever I go through an airport in Canada I have to remove my ball cap for it to be hand frisked while a Muslim and a Sikh who just went through ahead of me did not have to remove their head wear.  What in the heck is wrong with that picture ?

“These are just some of things that peeve off the everyday ordinary Canadian and I’m afraid these knuckleheads like Justin Trudeau don’t see it or get it.

“I want my children and their children to be in a Canada where they are always free to say ‘Merry Christmas’ or  ’ Happy Easter’ anywhere in public or in the schools without fear of reprisal and not be forced to use some meaningless generic word like ‘Happy Holidays’. This is farcical.

“I’m only in my early 50s and I see the peaceful and friendly Canada and the world I knew mostly as a young kid now turned into an environment of strict behavioural conditioning and unexpected violence…and all for what ? ...some utopian vision of a liberal politician who wants to blindly accommodate cultures who do not want to assimilate at our expense and everybody marching to a doctrine of ‘political correctness’?

“Well, that’s not my world. It’s not right and I can guarantee we will regret it dearly if this trend is not reversed.

“And yes, that Trudeau kid could be the ruin of Canada. Every time that kid says something you can almost use it word for word what Obama had said several times before and that scares the hell out of me.”

Meanwhile, Canada is in deep mourning for the courageous young Nathan Cirillo who lost his life in a terrorist attack while he stood silently guarding Canada’s most visited war memorial that only a few years ago was being used as a urinal.

Unless western leaders find courage to stand against Islamists by blocking them from lax immigration entry,  the mourning breaking the hearts of a watching citizenry has only just begun.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 12:58:12 pm by rangerrebew »