Author Topic: $40 Million for 6 Years of Presidential Vacations  (Read 266 times)

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$40 Million for 6 Years of Presidential Vacations
« on: October 24, 2014, 01:07:13 pm »

$40 Million for 6 Years of Presidential Vacations

Posted on October 23, 2014 by Mark Horne — 15 Comments 


Barack Obama’s last three Presidential vacations cost $6.2 million.

As a friend made me think, when he sent me this story, if this man ever opens his mouth again about “income inequality” and “economic injustice,” someone needs to tell him to shut up. A Secret Service agent would be perfect. The next two years can’t be over soon enough. I’m sure he’ll add another $5-$10-million to this obscene bill to shove down our throats before he’s done.

According to the Washington Examiner, “Taxpayers get stuck with $6.2 million tab for just 3 Obama vacations; $40m over 6 years.”

Three recent and lavish vacations by the first family cost taxpayers more than $6.2 million just for transportation and security, bringing the pleasure price for President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama’s trips to tens of millions of dollars since taking office, according to federal documents.

Taxpayer watchdog group Judicial Watch told Secrets that new cost calculations for security showed that the first family’s 2012-2013 vacation to Honolulu and the first lady’s 2014 ski trip to Aspen, Colo., reached nearly $1 million.

The Feds also coughed up the cost for flying the first lady to Aspen this year: $34,962.

In total, said Judicial Watch, transportation and security for the Obama’s Christmas 2012-2013 trip to Hawaii, their 2013 summer vacation to Martha’s Vineyard and her trip down the slopes last winter came in at $6,223,074.24.

Has the President or the First Lady ever shown any interest in the plight of the poor other than in their campaign rhetoric? Barack Obama telling us that America needs a raise sounds so hollow because nothing in his life or his actions shows that he has ever cared about such people.

[See also, “Obama Blissfully Unaware of His Own Class Envy Campaign.”]

But why should we expect a consistent life? This is the man who pushed a tax cheat into the office of the secretary of the treasury. If he expects such a person to be in charge of IRS audits, he obviously will have no problem campaigning for special benefits to the poor when he has shown no interest in benefiting such people.

So it is no surprise that his spending habits resemble those of a one-percenter more than anything you would expect from a “bleeding heart.”