Author Topic: Palestinian Authority President’s Advisor: Murderer of American-Israeli Baby is “Heroic Martyr”  (Read 324 times)

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Palestinian Authority President’s Advisor: Murderer of American-Israeli Baby is “Heroic Martyr”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On October 23, 2014 @ 11:23 am In The Point | 14 Comments

Here’s your two-state solution. Like any attempt at co-existing with Muslim terrorists, it’s doomed. You don’t negotiate with terrorists. You don’t give them a country. You don’t take their thugs seriously as diplomats and leaders.

Otherwise this is what happens.

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor has glorified the terrorist who murdered three-month-old Israeli-American Haya Zissel-Brown and injured eight others yesterday, when he intentionally drove his car into people waiting for a train. Sultan Abu Al-Einein, advisor to Abbas, praised the terrorist, calling him a “heroic Martyr” on his official Facebook page.

Abbas’ Fatah movement likewise glorified the killer, posting an obituary for the murderer on its official Facebook page, and also using the words “heroic Martyr.” Fatah portrayed his death as “his wedding” – a reference to the Islamic belief that Martyrs for Allah are wedded to 72 virgins in Paradise:

Member of Fatah Central Committee, Mahmoud Al-Aloul, also copied this praise from Fatah on his personal Facebook page.

Abbas’ advisor, Sultan Al-Einein, has openly praised murderers in the past. When a terrorist stabbed an Israeli civilian to death, Al-Einein praised the murderer as a “heroic fighter” and offered “blessings to the breast that nursed” him.

The PLO and Hamas and their followers truly are heroes. Killing a three-month old baby. Not everyone can do that. It takes a hero of the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist three-month old baby oppressors to do it.

And it takes the State Department and the EU to keep funding the terrorist leaders behind this genocide.

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