Author Topic: Communist Dictator of Cholera-Ridden Country Offers US Help Fighting Ebola  (Read 386 times)

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Communist Dictator of Cholera-Ridden Country Offers US Help Fighting Ebola

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On October 23, 2014 @ 10:55 am In The Point | 1 Comment

Pictured: Cuban Medicine

Thanks but no thanks, Fidel.

If Michael Moore catches Ebola, we’ll be sure to ship him your way by media mail. He may arrive in 6-8 weeks. Then you can figure out how to suck the Ebola out of him.

Fidel Castro has expressed Cuba’s readiness to cooperate with the US in the global fight against Ebola. Cuba has been on the frontline of international response to the worst outbreak in the disease’s history.

There’s even a Cuban Ebola summit.

The meeting in Cuba is aimed at keeping Ebola at bay and it brings together senior officials from the ALBA bloc of nations — Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia and Dominica.

“The best place to have this meeting without a doubt is Cuba because of its advances, its discipline, its solidarity,” Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said as he arrived in Havana on Sunday night.

Maduro would be the dictator who turned an oil-rich country into a place where people have to wait on line for toilet paper. But it’s brave of him to put his faith in Cuban medicine since that’s what killed his predecessor, Hugo “Magic Bird” Chavez.

I’m just hoping that Maduro and the rest of the Ebola summiteers don’t catch Cholera, which is a real problem in Communist Cuba.

According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Cuban health authorities have reported more than 700 cases of cholera, including 3 deaths, since July 2012. The outbreak is ongoing, and cases have been reported from the provinces of Artemisa, Camagüey, Granma, Guantánamo, Havana, and Santiago de Cuba. Several cases were reported in travelers returning from Cuba, including travelers from the United States.

If they reported 700 cases, then the real number is 7,000. Socialist medicine is notorious for spreading disease.

Maybe we should have a real travel ban on Cuba.

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