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This Week in Ebola: Fear, Lies, and Propaganda
« on: October 15, 2014, 01:21:23 pm »
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This Week in Ebola: Fear, Lies, and Propaganda

Posted By Lily Dane On October 14, 2014 @ 3:06 pm In Editor's Choice,Featured,Headlines & Head Lies,Health,Health,Lead Story,Media and Propaganda,News,News,Videos and Media | 3 Comments

Ebola [1]

Much like the virus itself, news (propaganda?) about Ebola is spreading like wildfire. At this point, there are more questions than answers.

Let’s break down some of the latest information the mainstream media and health “officials” are disseminating.

Bad News from the WHO

Yesterday, the WHO [2] provided some chilling information…

Yes, you heard that right…West Africa could face up to 10,000 new Ebola cases a week within two months, the World Health Organization warned Tuesday, adding that the death rate in the current outbreak has risen to 70 percent.

Not only is this tragic for the residents of the afflicted regions, think of the global implications. As of now, the US has not instituted any kind of travel ban from Ebola-ridden areas in West Africa. Thomas Duncan [3] brought the deadly virus here from Liberia, and so far, one member of his healthcare team in Dallas is ill with the disease.  Seventy healthcare workers [4] (70!) cared for Duncan during his stay at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital.

All of those workers are well…still working, and have been advised to monitor themselves by taking their temperatures.

Rising Case Numbers and Death Toll

As of October 10, the CDC reports [5] 8400 cases of Ebola, 4033 of them fatal.

And as of yesterday, the WHO reports [6] over 8900 cases, 4447 of them fatal.

Public Health Experts Say the CDC is Getting Things Wrong

Some experts are questioning the way the CDC is handling Ebola – and what the agency is telling the public.

From CNN [7]:

The CDC is telling possible Ebola patients to “call a doctor.”

When passengers arrive in the United States from Liberia, Sierra Leone or Guinea, they’re handed a flier instructing them to “call a doctor” if they feel ill.

Never mind how hard it is to get your doctor on the phone, but even if you could, it’s quite possible she’d tell you to go to the nearest emergency room or urgent care center.

Experts say it is better to all an ambulance.

Great, but…what happens when a potentially infected person arrives at the hospital?

That leads us to the next problem…

The CDC director says any hospital can care for Ebola patients.

“Essentially any hospital in the country can safely take care of Ebola. You don’t need a special hospital to do it,” Dr. Thomas Frieden said Sunday at a press conference.

We all know this is an outrageous lie. The fact is, most hospitals in the US are NOT equipped to handle Ebola patients [8]. Not even close.

It is reprehensible that health “officials” are putting everyone at risk by propagating such a massive lie.

The CDC has pointed fingers at infected healthcare workers for “breaches of protocol,” but is the agency’s protocol effective in the first place?

Some experts say NO:

The CDC didn’t encourage the “buddy system” for doctors and nurses.

Under this system, a doctor or nurse who is about to do a procedure on an Ebola patient has a “buddy,” another health care worker, who acts as a safety supervisor, monitoring the worker from the time he puts on the gear until the time he takes it off.

The “buddy system” has been effective in stopping other kinds of infections in hospitals.

What the…? WHY on Earth was this NOT standard procedure?

Maybe the CDC is advising that procedure now, after so many healthcare workers have become infected.

Oh, wait…nope:

Skinner said [7] the CDC is considering recommending such a system to hospitals.

In addition, experts say…

The CDC didn’t encourage doctors to develop Ebola treatment guidelines:

Taking care of Ebola patients is tricky, because certain procedures might put doctors and nurses in contact with the patient’s infectious bodily fluids.

At Sunday’s press conference, Frieden hinted that Presbyterian might have performed two measures — inserting a breathing tube and giving kidney dialysis — that were unlikely to help Duncan. He described them as a “desperate measure” to save his life.

“Both of those procedures may spread contaminated materials and are considered high-risk procedures,” he said. “I’m not familiar with any prior patient with Ebola who has undergone either intubation or dialysis.”

I’m sorry, but what does Frieden expect? Presumably, most medical professionals in the US have never treated an Ebola patient before. The CDC’s role [9] is to help “fight disease” and “nurture public health”. Shouldn’t they provide guidance to the medical community? It seems like they are just winging it and learning as they go. Too bad they may leave a path of fatalities in their wake.

And…this is a big one…experts say the CDC put too much trust in protective gear:

Once Duncan was diagnosed, health authorities started making daily visits to 48 of his contacts.

But that didn’t include several dozen workers at Presbyterian who took care of Duncan after he was diagnosed. They weren’t followed because they were wearing protective gear when they had contact with Duncan. Instead, they monitored themselves.

Public health experts said that was a misstep, as the CDC should have realized that putting on and taking off protective gear is often done imperfectly and one of the workers might get an infection.

So far, at least 416 healthcare workers have contracted Ebola. Of those, 233 died.

You’d think officials would make educating medical professionals about protection a priority, but it seems like they will continue to be infected…

A U.N. medical worker infected with Ebola in Liberia died in Germany despite “intensive medical procedures.” The St. Georg hospital in Leipzig said Tuesday the 56-year-old man, whose name has not been released, died overnight. 41 other staff members are being monitored.

In Spain, the government’s Ebola committee said the assistant nurse infected with the virus has improved slightly but was still in serious condition. Fifteen contacts of hers were being monitored. (source [6])

Meanwhile, some healthcare experts think quarantine measures don’t apply to them… [10]

Princeton resident Dr. Nancy Snyderman, NBC’s chief medical editor and correspondent, issued a statement Monday night apologizing for violating the voluntary isolation agreement she made after she was exposed to Ebola.

Snyderman was reporting in Liberia about the Ebola outbreak in West Africa with Ashoka Mukpo, a freelance cameraman who was infected with the disease. He is now being treated in Omaha, Nebraska.

After Mukpo, who lives in Providence, Rhode Island, came down with the disease on Oct. 1, NBC announced that the rest of its crew working with him would voluntarily be isolated for 21 days.

In a phone interview with “Today” last week, Snyderman said all the gear she and her crew used was being disinfected because they all shared work space and vehicles.

She said she believed she and her team were at a low risk because they have been “hyper-vigilant.” (source [11])

“Hyper-vigilant”? Per what standards? The CDC’s?

Well, now that crew is under mandatory quarantine:

A mandatory quarantine was issued Friday [11] by New Jersey health officials for Snyderman and other NBC crew members who were exposed to Ebola when reporting in Liberia about the outbreak. The quarantine is in effect until Oct. 22.

By the way, Snyderman didn’t actually apologize. Here’s what she said [10]:

“While under voluntary quarantine guidelines, which called for our team to avoid public contact for 21 days, members of our group violated those guidelines and understand that our quarantine is now mandatory until 21 days have passed. We remain healthy and our temperatures are normal. As a health professional I know that we have no symptoms and pose no risk to the public, but I am deeply sorry for the concerns this episode caused. We are thrilled that Ashoka is getting better and our thoughts continue to be with the thousands affected by Ebola whose stories we all went to cover.”

Foreign News Outlets Are Openly Accusing the US Government of Involvement in the Outbreak

Russian news outlet Ria Novosti [12] and Liberia’s Daily Observer [13] have suggested that the US government is involved in the Ebola outbreak.

Are they onto something?

The Daily Sheeple has received information that suggests it is possible.

More to come…


*Note: no matter what the truth about Ebola actually is, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared.*


Ebola Survival Handbook: A Collection of Tips, Strategies, and Supply Lists From Some of the World’s Best Preparedness Professionals [14]

“Like” Pandemic Watch [15] on Facebook

The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster [16]

Sealing Yourself In: Prepping for Bioterrorism, Chemical Disasters, and Pandemics (The NEW Survival Prepper Guides Book 3) [17]

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple [18]

Contributed by Lily Dane of The Daily Sheeple [19].

Lily Dane is a staff writer for The Daily Sheeple. Her goal is to help people to “Wake the Flock Up!”

Article printed from The Daily Sheeple:

URL to article:

URLs in this post:

[1] Image:

[2] WHO:

[3] Thomas Duncan:

[4] Seventy healthcare workers:

[5] CDC reports:

[6] WHO reports:

[7] CNN:

[8] most hospitals in the US are NOT equipped to handle Ebola patients:

[9] CDC’s role:

[10] quarantine measures don’t apply to them…:

[11] source:

[12] Ria Novosti:

[13] Daily Observer:

[14] Ebola Survival Handbook: A Collection of Tips, Strategies, and Supply Lists From Some of the World’s Best Preparedness Professionals:

[15] Pandemic Watch:

[16] The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster:

[17] Sealing Yourself In: Prepping for Bioterrorism, Chemical Disasters, and Pandemics (The NEW Survival Prepper Guides Book 3):

[18] The Daily Sheeple:

[19] The Daily Sheeple:

Offline GourmetDan

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Re: This Week in Ebola: Fear, Lies, and Propaganda
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2014, 01:36:38 pm »
... and so far, one member of his healthcare team in Dallas is ill with the disease.

That number is now 2...

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