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Let's Face It...We're Screwed

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Have been holding the opinion for years, that the Department of Education has to be done away with...in order to bring back a curriculum we all enjoyed back in the 50's and 60's.  One that espouses pride in the United States and it's role in the world as a protector of individual freedom.

One that is pro free-market capitalism...one that 'bleeds' red, white and blue.  One that cherishes what our Founding Fathers created for ALL of us.

I was wrong.

For...where would we get the teachers and administrators that TRULY believe that ideology?  Not enough of them even exist today.

IMO, while the Baby Boomer generation was too busy with two-income families, bigger houses, 2nd cars, nannies and professional daycare, Montessori school for our children...the Department of Education and thus our universities were taken over by spawns of the Leftist ideology....one that puts the collective above the individual.

Whether it's because of the internet bombarding us with inciting headlines in our 24/7 news cycle, where our senses are dulled and/or enraged, we have to admit that Conservatives have become an enemy of our society and culture.  We're hopelessly outnumbered...to the point we've become pariahs in the eyes of 'normal' everyday Americans.

How do we fix it?  How do we shake America back to its senses?

Barack Obama has indeed fundamentally transformed the United States of America.  There is no effective opposition.  Not with a complicit mainstream media.  Not with a metastasized cancer spreading hate between the races.

Each day I become more incensed that the majority doesn't rise up...until I am reminded that there is no so-called majority any longer.

We cannot save our country and heritage without changing the culture.  At this point, who would condone it?  How would it be achieved? 

There is no more mandate.  It would have to be dispensed like Caster Oil to a child.  By force.

Truth is that Conservative Americans are living on borrowed time.  As each Baby Boomer dies, the opposition's voice becomes more faint.  Soon only a dog would be able to detect it.

We're screwed.

I too, see no way out of this.  We're screwed.


--- Quote from: alicewonders on October 15, 2014, 11:43:48 am ---I too, see no way out of this.  We're screwed.

--- End quote ---

As seasoned citizens, it's not so much us...but our children and grandchildren.

They say you can't miss what you've never experienced firsthand.

These tired old bones can't do anything about it.  If I were a much younger man, I'd be a revolutionary.  In the vein of William Ayers...but for the Right.

But now....all I have is joy intermingled with sadness.  Joy that I won't live to see a USA embrace Socialism and Communism.  Sadness that my grandchildren won't even know enough to give a damn.


--- Quote from: alicewonders on October 15, 2014, 11:43:48 am ---I too, see no way out of this.  We're screwed.

--- End quote ---

It is always darkest just before the dawn.
But the dawn that I envision will come up like thunder.
Americans need to be shaken out of their lethargy, their self-involvement, their voluntary ignorance, their habitual dependency, and their foolish reliance on political liars, cheats, and scoundrels.
And trust me: they will be shaken.
How Americans respond will depend on which voices speak the loudest and most clearly. And that is why those of us who sitll love liberty, free enterprise, and tradiotnal values must be prepared to stand up - no matter the cost, and no matter how dark the skies.


--- Quote from: andy58-in-nh on October 15, 2014, 01:44:15 pm ---
It is always darkest just before the dawn.
But the dawn that I envision will come up like thunder.
Americans need to be shaken out of their lethargy, their self-involvement, their voluntary ignorance, their habitual dependency, and their foolish reliance on political liars, cheats, and scoundrels.
And trust me: they will be shaken.
How Americans respond will depend on which voices speak the loudest and most clearly. And that is why those of us who sitll love liberty, free enterprise, and tradiotnal values must be prepared to stand up - no matter the cost, and no matter how dark the skies.

--- End quote ---

It sounds great when I read your post, Andy.

But, as Mark Steyn recently said, A Republican Conservative Administration cannot effectively bring change until the culture is changed.  It will fail.

An adversarial mainstream media, academia, and Hollywood, together with a thuggish black, Rap...Hip Hop culture spells ineffectiveness on a major level. 


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