Author Topic: Obamacare Designed to Let Patients Suffer Longer  (Read 217 times)

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Obamacare Designed to Let Patients Suffer Longer
« on: October 14, 2014, 09:42:47 am »

Obamacare Designed to Let Patients Suffer Longer

Posted on October 13, 2014 by Dave Jolly Filed under Health Care, ObamaCare

Four years ago, my oldest daughter Crystal had a pituitary tumor. Thankfully the tumor was benign, but it was starting to wreak havoc with her body so the surgeons decided to operate. When they cut through the bone into the pituitary cavity, they discovered that the tumor was surrounded by a cyst that had so much pressure that it burst open. The neurosurgeon did what he could to clean everything out, but said he could not guarantee that there weren’t tumor cells remaining because of the rupture of the cyst.
The pituitary gland is often referred as the master gland because it controls many of the other glands and functions in the body. It’s impossible to live more than a couple months without a pituitary tumor, so it is an extremely important tiny structure. The pituitary gland is only the size of a pea and is located in a bony hollow in front of the brain and behind the nose. Surgery is usually performed by going through the nose and cutting into the bone of the skull.

After her surgery, Crystal lost a significant amount of her vision in her left eye as the optic nerve runs through the pituitary cavity. She also developed Cushing’s disease as a result of the pituitary tumor.

A year ago, she started exhibiting symptoms that suggested that her pituitary tumor had returned. Earlier this year, she began to quickly lose the vision in the right eye. She is now legally blind. We thought it could be related to the return of the pituitary tumor, but the neurosurgeons said otherwise.

Over the past 8 months, she has seen one specialist after another and no one seems to be able to come up with a definitive diagnosis. The last several doctors all seem to say that her current medical problems are related to the second pituitary tumor. Several of them have recommended that they tumor is the cause and needs to be removed.
When she saw the neurosurgeon, they told her that her tumor is only 9mm in diameter and that under Obamacare guidelines they won’t do surgery until it’s at least 10mm. This past week, her symptoms have gotten worse. She said the pressure in her head is intense along with the pain. She says that it feels like her body wants to start shutting down and she feels weak.

She called the neurosurgeon’s office again Wednesday and all they said was that the soonest they could see her was Oct. 30. She called again on Sunday and left a message and got the neurosurgeon to call her back. He basically said that her tumor is still too small to worry about and that if she thinks it’s that bad then she should go to the emergency room.

The symptoms she is experiencing now are worse than the symptoms she had with the first tumor when they decided to remove it. However, thanks to Obamacare, they don’t care about how bad her symptoms are or the effects the tumor is having on her body. It’s almost at the point of making her too weak and ill to do anything or function in any way. But because the tumor is 1mm too small, they won’t do any surgery to remove it.

Obamacare cares nothing about a person’s health or trying to properly treat them. It now dictates that no matter what effect a tumor is having on someone’s body, they don’t do anything to remove it until it reaches a specific size. Her insurance won’t allow her to go see another neurosurgeon without the current surgeons’ recommendation and that’s not going to happen.

I’ve been saying all along that Obamacare is not about healthcare or insurance. It’s all about fulfilling a socialist agenda to control the medical industry. You are no longer a person or even a patient; rather you are just a statistic or piece of data to be treated like any other piece of data. The human aspect is being removed from the medical industry and being replaced with arbitrary rules that seem to be designed to allow more people to suffer rather than allowing them to receive proper medical treatment.