Author Topic: Fallen Benghazi Navy SEAL's Mom Speaks Out!  (Read 239 times)

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Fallen Benghazi Navy SEAL's Mom Speaks Out!
« on: October 12, 2014, 12:01:37 pm »

Fallen Benghazi Navy SEAL's Mom Speaks Out!

By Tim Brown   / 11 October 2014   / 1 Comment   

On September 11, 2012, former Navy SEAL Glen Doherty was murdered during the jihadist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, while Barack Hussein Obama slept safe and sound in his bed. He and three other Americans lost their lives as their commander-in-chief issued a stand down order for help to be sent to them. To top it off, over a month after Doherty's death, his mother, Barbara Doherty, received a phone call from then FBI director Robert Mueller asking her, "You're Going to Stick to That Little Story, Aren't You?"

In an interview with Greta van Susteren on Wednesday, Doherty recalled what it was like when she learned of her son's death, saying that she was in so many tears that if anyone told her anything she didn't remember. This continued for two or three days and she said that she merely did what she was told, being unable to recall what she actually did.

Mrs. Doherty said that she has filed a lawsuit over problems with her son's insurance policy against the Obama administration. Apparently, the claim is alleged to not be paid out to anyone by an heir or a child.
Doherty said that she didn't think much of the current administration.

"I don't feel that our family or any other family should have to suffer this indignity, and that's what it is," Doherty told van Susteren. "They denied he bought insurance, now they're saying the insurance because of this act won't be paid, and so the pain you feel from losing your child is then brought forth again because now it's disrespectful to treat a family – any family – that way."

"Glen always said, 'You know, mom, if anything happens to me, you and Greg and Kate are going to be well taken care of.' So, his wish is not being met. And I think they disappoint me tremendously that way," she added.

Mueller's call to her included an apology for not calling sooner but he was unable to locate her contact number, to which she replied, "You're the FBI… you're going to stick to that little story, aren't you?"

Mueller replied, "Yes."

Does this concern anyone else? The Federal Bureau of Investigation can't find the phone number of a fallen US Navy SEAL's mother for over a month! I can't believe that level of incompetence exists in the FBI. However, the level of corruption certainly does exist.

Like the families of Extortion 17, the family of Brian Terry and others who have lost loved ones in the service of this country under the current criminal administration, Mrs. Doherty said that the more she finds out, the more criticism she feels against the administration.

"In the beginning, there was such chaos," she recalled. "But now as more details have come out, Yes, it could have been prevented."
 Everyone knows that Benghazi was a weapons trade with jihadists gone bad and Doherty is right, her son's death could have been prevented, but it was an election year and he was counted as collateral damage in order to ensure the re-election of the criminal-in-chief.