Author Topic: Elizabeth Warren Popular w/Rich, Unpopular w/Poor  (Read 393 times)

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Elizabeth Warren Popular w/Rich, Unpopular w/Poor
« on: October 11, 2014, 09:03:59 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Elizabeth Warren Popular w/Rich, Unpopular w/Poor

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On October 10, 2014 @ 6:30 pm In The Point | 5 Comments

The lefties pushing an Elizabeth Warren campaign are touting her as a way to engage the youth.

And what better way to engage the youth than to send out a wealthy college professor to tell them that they didn’t build that and ought to settle down to a life of government serfdom subsidizing people like her.

Apparently it’s not much of a plan. The Marist-McClatchy poll shows that Elizabeth Warren is actually least popular with 18-29 Democrats. She’s even more unpopular with them than she is with seniors.

The only age group that seems to support her is in their thirties.

She’s pulling in 4% of the 18-29 vote. I’m not sure Dick Cheney could do worse if he ran as a Democrat.

Another interesting twist is that more men than women support Warren. That’s not something I would have predicted. It might be a function of the slight lead in female support for Hillary Clinton, but overall the gender gap for her is fairly small. The gender gap for Warren is larger.

Less surprisingly, Bernie Sanders is twice as popular with men as with women, which doesn’t add up to a whole lot.

But tellingly the real gap is the wealth gap. Warren gets twice as much support among the $50,000 and over voter than with the $50,000 and under. That makes it rather obvious that the class warrior is largely popular with the upper class.

The left might want to shelve any plans of waging class war using Warren. The millionaire professor is only popular with her own class.

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