Author Topic: Semi-News/Semi-Satire: Obama Calls November Elections “Referendum on My Policies”  (Read 323 times)

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Offline John Semmens

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Miffed that so many Democrats running for reelection have shunned his endorsement and declined to appear in public with him, President Obama sought to take control of the narrative by insisting that “though I’m not on the ballot this November my policies certainly are.” Mortified Democrats raced to microphones across the nation to dispute the President’s assertion.

Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC) called the President’s words “very discouraging and a ‘stab in the back.’ We supported his programs. He needs us in the Senate if he hopes to push ahead with his transformation. We’re on-board with that, but we can’t get there if voters know where we stand. It’s discouraging that his need to be the center of attention has caused him to forget his obligation to his fellow Democrats.”

Senator Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana) expressed her own frustration, saying “doesn’t he realize how unpopular he and his ideas are with the voters? Obamacare irritates more people each day as they see their insurance premiums rise and find the roster of doctors willing to treat them shrink. The open borders have let in illegal immigrants by the hundreds of thousands. It was bad enough when the biggest risk was exploding costs for welfare to feed, clothe, and house these indigents, but now they appear to be vectors for diseases that may kill untold numbers of Americans.”

Kentucky Democratic Senate candidate Alison Grimes was especially aggrieved. “I wasn’t in Congress,” Grimes fretted. “I didn’t vote for any of the President’s programs. Now, with his latest statements I may never have the chance to help him transform America. It’s just stupid. I thought he’d be a lot smarter than it appears he is.”

A possible rationale for the President’s pitch of a “referendum” theme may be his disappointment that “the gains for the economy have not been broadly shared. People who make investments or who have jobs are reaping a disproportionate share of the nation’s collective wealth. Voters dependent on government for their sustenance need to realize that their votes are needed to ensure the continuation of federal benefits. It is crucial that this key constituency understand that this election is a referendum on my policies.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) sort of backed the President’s view. “Republicans might win this year, but when voters start seeing their benefits cutback and are herded into jobs they’d rather not have by Republican policies they’ll be champing at the bit to restore Democrats to control both Houses and the Presidency in the 2016 elections,” she predicted.

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