General Category > Economy/Business

September jobs report: You should know the drill by now

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--- Quote from: mystery-ak on October 04, 2014, 12:43:12 pm ---Of course the *headline numbers* were going to be's a month out from election day....everyone has forgotten that there are still over 93million people unemployed in this country but who's counting..

--- End quote ---

Obama said by any measure the economy is better.  Since 2007 the US population has gained almost 18 million people, yet total nonfarm employment is only up 1.2 million.  The BLS shows U6 at 11.9% but I'm sure they've redefined it.  Total US debt (all sectors) has climbed to $60 trillion, 50% higher than it was in 2007.  The stock market is in a bubble as is the dollar.  Oil, gold and silver have fallen substantially over their highs.  Part time work is increasing and wages continue to be flat.

But other than that... :thud:


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