Author Topic: Semi-News/Semi-Satire: Obama Nixes Ebola Travel Restrictions  (Read 323 times)

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Offline John Semmens

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Semi-News/Semi-Satire: Obama Nixes Ebola Travel Restrictions
« on: October 04, 2014, 07:54:25 am »
Despite numerous urgings, President Obama remains determined not to block entry into the United States by persons who may have been exposed to the deadly Ebola virus.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest explained that "the President emphatically believes that we are all citizens of the world. This ideal cannot flourish if we bar our doors to fellow citizens. We would do more damage to our image as leaders of a global community if out of fear of contagion we sealed our borders to those wishing to enter."

Earnest also cited "humanitarian reasons" for not blocking travel to the US from regions known to be infested with the virus. "Suppose it is some afflicted person's dying wish to visit America before he succumbs, should the President cruelly deny that wish?" Earnest queried. "Besides, it is entirely possible that innovations made by the Affordable Care Act will prove a crucial weapon in the battle against this disease. Is it not part of our obligation to share this benefit with those who are less fortunate?"

David Quammen, author of Ebola and Spillover—books on infectious diseases—argued in support of the Administration's policy saying that "America's legacy of slavery demands that it bear the burden of succor to ailing Africans. Many of those suffering from Ebola are descendants of former slaves sent to Liberia by the American government. If this endangers Americans, well, just consider that part of the reparations they owe for that ancient crime."

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