Author Topic: Preparation is Key For the Upcoming Guerrilla War Against Islamists in America  (Read 259 times)

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Preparation is Key For the Upcoming Guerrilla War Against Islamists in America

Posted On 30 Sep 2014

By : Dr. Jim Garrow
At the expense of waxing tedious, I must reiterate the need for preparation before we enter into the prolonged guerrilla war on our own streets and neighborhoods. In case you have paid no attention whatsoever to what I have written in the past let me do a brief refresher: All around us on the international stage we see what Islamists are prepared to do to their neighbors who do not share their ideological bent. That would be rape, beheadings, murder, beatings, child molestations, and the ever-present stares of those who are our betters and the leers that go with it.

Looks only remain looks until action can be taken without fear of reprisal. And that is why I am back to encouraging preparedness.

The beheadings of infidels have arrived on our soil. That which we predicted has become reality. So you might declare, it only happened once! That my fellow patriots is enough. At what point in time will it become a wave? We do not know. But we have seen evidence across the globe that certain dates hold a high probability that Islamists will follow up with attacks on unbelievers. I would not have you in a position of never having been told nor being warned of the dangers. Identifying the potential enemy is not an easy task. That each Muslim is the enemy is the bottom line. How they appear is where the challenge lies.

Just the other day I was looking at a used car on a lot next to a McDonald’s where I had just had breakfast. An attendant on the lot was chatting to me when up walked a woman in a head covering scarf looking for the keys to a particular car. The man handed them to her and told me that she was his wife. I asked if he was a Muslim, he said that he was. He was a middle eastern looking gentleman in a suit and seemed pleasant enough, unless you are privy to the demands that are made of him by his religion. I took note of the number of possible Islamist terrorists located at that particular corner car lot. I am making a survey of my community and have already discovered hundreds of locations where Muslims live/work/indoctrinate.

Am I a paranoiac in need of therapy? Evidence from the international news would suggest otherwise. “Be prepared” is not just a fancy slogan, it may be the philosophy that ensures your survival and that of those you love.