Author Topic: Suspected Ebola in Hawaii: Patient In Isolation at Queen’s Medical Center  (Read 491 times)

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Suspected Ebola in Hawaii: Patient In Isolation at Queen’s Medical Center

Posted By Contributing Author On October 1, 2014 @ 11:53 pm In Editor's Choice,Featured,Headlines & Head Lies,Health,Health,Videos and Media | No Comments
The Department of Health has confirmed a patient is currently in isolation and undergoing testing in Honolulu.

The Hawaii Nurses Association said the person is being treated at The Queen’s Medical Center.

Officials told KHON2 Ebola is a possibility, however the patient has yet to be specifically tested for the virus.

“We are early in the investigation of a patient — very, very, early, who we’re investigating that might have Ebola,” said Dr. Melissa Viray, deputy state epidemiologist. “It’s very possible that they do and they have Ebola, I think it’s also more likely that they have another condition that presents with similar symptoms.”

Dr. Viray said the patient could have a number of illnesses including Ebola, flu, malaria and typhoid.

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