Author Topic: New York Times Fires 7.5% of Newsroom Because No One Reads Their Editorials  (Read 249 times)

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New York Times Fires 7.5% of Newsroom Because No One Reads Their Editorials

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On October 1, 2014 @ 10:37 am In The Point | 9 Comments

The poor grey lady. It takes the time to churn out tons of editorials in support of terrorists and provides op-ed space to terrorists, but nobody is actually reading its murdered trees.

Or its virtual ones. Now the New York Times is firing a whole bunch of people because no one is reading the New York Times. Read about it in the New York Times… which no one reads.

The New York Times plans to eliminate about 100 newsroom jobs, as well as a smaller number of positions from its editorial and business operations, offering buyouts and resorting to layoffs if enough people do not leave voluntarily, the newspaper announced on Wednesday.

And if they still refuse to leave, the Times will send out Paul Krugman to read his latest tedious rant about the rich and income equality which making enough money to pay all those 100 salaries. If the hypocrisy doesn’t get them to leave, nothing will.

Arthur Sulzberger Jr., the newspaper’s publisher, and Mark Thompson, its chief executive, said that in addition to the job cuts, NYT Opinion, a new mobile app dedicated to opinion content, was shutting down because it was not attracting enough subscribers.

It’s like nobody cares what the New York Times thinks anymore.

Mr. Sulzberger and Mr. Thompson said that even with the cutbacks — 100 positions comprise about 7.5 percent of the newsroom staff — The Times would continue to expand and invest heavily in initiatives that supported its growth strategy, like digital technology, audience development and mobile offerings.

And then fire everyone involved in them because they aren’t paying off.

The Times’s executive editor, Dean Baquet, sent a separate note to the newsroom staff. “I will use this as an opportunity to seriously reconsider some of what we do — from the number of sections we produce to the amount we spend on freelance content,” he said.

Translation, the New York Times is a few years away from turning into clickbait written by freelancers like Salon and Slate.

“There is no magic bullet for the current financial plight of the news business,” Mr. Baquet wrote in his note on Wednesday. “But the journalists of The Times, with all of their creativity and belief in the future, have helped guide this company through even more turbulent times.”

And that’s why they’re being fired.

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