Author Topic: ESPN’s Colin Cowherd: People Who Enlist in the U.S. Military ‘Have No Choices,’ Join ‘To Pay Bills’  (Read 403 times)

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ESPN’s Colin Cowherd: People Who Enlist in the U.S. Military ‘Have No Choices,’ Join ‘To Pay Bills’

Posted By Bryan Preston On September 30, 2014 @ 10:56 am In Culture,military,Politics | 5 Comments

ESPN’s Colin Cowherd went off on a rant today about Americans who do and do not, in his view, deserve his “sympathies.”

Those who do not include those who choose to smoke, eat fast food or drink “13 cokes” every day. “That’s on you,” Cowherd said, delivering a sentiment that many Americans would probably agree with.

Cowherd says that he does “sympathize” with Americans who enlist in the military, because of the reasons he believes they join.

“My sympathy goes to the military members in this country,” Cowherd said toward the end of Tuesday’s show. “Socio-economically, no choices, paid almost nothing, lose a limb, lose a life. That, I feel sympathy for.”

Military members past and present probably aren’t looking to Colin Cowherd in a feeling of gratitude for that. Americans who enlist or enter the officer corps do so for many reasons — family history of service, a desire to give back to their country, a desire to gain experience and education, and of course the need to do something positive to escape tough circumstances all factor in.

Cowherd wasn’t finished. He also said that police and firemen don’t join out of a sense of duty.

“What fireman becomes a fireman knowing that at some point he will at some point run into a house that’s burning?” Cowherd asked rhetorically. “It’s dangerous!”

The obvious answer is “All of them. Including the thousands of volunteer fireman around the country.”

Cowherd returned to explaining his understanding of why Americans join the military.

“We know most people that go into the military in this country — they need the military often to pay bills. That is is almost a federal safety net financially, and by the way you’ll take shots. You’ll be sent two or three times to a raging inferno in the Middle East. That stuff scares me. That stuff I’m worried about. There’s loss of life there.”

Watch Cowherd make his remarks here:

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I knew I didn't like that sniveling pr*ck for a reason.