Author Topic: Obamacare 1 Year Report Card Scores a Big ‘F’  (Read 595 times)

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Obamacare 1 Year Report Card Scores a Big ‘F’
« on: September 30, 2014, 11:03:54 am »

Obamacare 1 Year Report Card Scores a Big ‘F’

Posted 36 mins ago by Dave Jolly Filed under Health Care, ObamaCare

Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. If you listen to Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi you would think that the national socialist healthcare system has been a huge success, but you would be wrong.

The New York Post took a look at Obamacare and graded it like a school grades a student. The subjects to be graded are: The Uninsured, Your Plan, Premiums, Cost, Jobs and then Overall Grade.

The Uninsured:

One of the alleged principle purposes of Obamacare was to force the millions of uninsured Americans to purchase healthcare insurance. Before Obamacare went into effect, it was estimated that there were 46 million uninsured American adults. Government estimates claim that around 8.1 million people signed up for insurance through the state and federal exchanges. However, at least 800,000 never paid their premiums or they stopped paying them. That reduces the overall number from 8.1 million to 7.3 million. Now figure in that around half of those that signed up did not enroll for healthcare but for Medicaid coverage which is considered to be outside the exchanges. The final figure still leaves somewhere around 41 million Americans uninsured. The New York Post gives Obamacare a C in this category, but I disagree. I see the uninsured figure as an 89.1% failure which is a resounding F.

Your Plan:

Perhaps the greatest lie Obama told about Obamacare was that you could keep your existing healthcare policy and doctor if you liked your coverage. When he said that, he already knew that the minimum requirements for health coverage established by Obamacare would force the cancellation of millions of policies and it did cause the cancellation of 6 million policies. Studies have shown that many of those people with cancelled policies eventually found new ones, but it also showed that the new replacement plans were not a good as the ones that were cancelled.

Now a new wave of cancellations is starting as the one year anniversary approaches. A number of people who lost their old plans and enrolled in an exchange plan are now receiving new cancellations. Why? A number of insurance companies have dropped a number of plans that they offered in the first year and other companies have pulled out of the exchanges altogether because it is too costly for them.

Additionally, a number of employers are scrambling to find more affordable plans for their employees and thus exiting plans that are being changed. In other cases, employers are finding it too costly to provide health benefits for their employees so they are dropping their coverage and cutting most full time employees to part time – less than 30 hours a week – so they no longer have to provide the expensive coverage.

The New York Post gives Obamacare an F in this subject and I heartily agree.


Barack Obama told us that Obamacare would save the average American family at least $2,500 due to the lower premiums. Nancy Pelosi has continued to lie to the American people for the past four years that Obamacare IS providing cheaper healthcare. While New Yorkers and some Californians did see a slight decrease in their premiums under Obamacare, the majority of states saw increases up to 40-50%.The NY Post says that many New Yorkers who did see a decrease in their premiums last year will see increases in the individual plans and for those carried by small businesses. Overall, the NY Post gave Obamacare a C+, but that was based largely on just New York figures. When you look at the nationwide figures and see how the vast majority of states saw significant increases in healthcare premiums, I give Obamacare another big F.


By cost, they are referring to what is Obamacare costing the federal government, not individuals or businesses. Before Obama started making his illegal unilateral changes to Obamacare, the Congressional Budget Office supposedly had a good estimate of the cost, but that estimate went out the window with Obama’s slippery maneuvering. One thing they do know is that more people are receiving higher than expected federal subsidies to offset the cost of their healthcare. Some of the more reputable estimates place the cost of Obamacare at around $2.6 trillion over the next 10 years. If you want to know how they plan to cover that cost, I’m glad you asked. The federal government will add around $1.25 trillion dollars to the already unpayable national debt and pay for the other $1.35 trillion with NEW TAXES.

Again I disagree with the NY Post who gives Obamacare a D in this subject and would give them an F. I consider adding that much to the national debt which we already cannot pay off to be unconscionable. Adding over a trillion dollars of new taxes to a nation where nearly 1 in 3 are already living off of some sort of government welfare or assistance program is not a smart move. As the old saying goes, you can’t squeeze blood out of a turnip. People only have so much they can pay then there isn’t anymore. The federal government should have to live by the rules as all of us do.


The NY Post says it best:

“Recently released surveys from Federal Reserve Banks in New York, Philadelphia and Atlanta confirmed that businesses are cutting employment and shifting workers to part-time positions because of ObamaCare. According to the New York Fed, 21% of manufacturers and 17% of service companies have reduced the size of their workforce because of the law. In addition, roughly 20% of both manufacturers and service companies said that they have shifted workers from full to part-time jobs. The New York survey also indicated that roughly a third of businesses were raising prices to offset some of the law’s costs.”

How many families can survive with a 25% reduction in their income plus the loss of their medical coverage? And somehow Obama thinks this is supposed to help our economy and the American people?

Both the NY Post and I give Obamacare an F in this subject.


Again I’ll defer to the NY Post:

“About the best thing that can be said about ObamaCare’s first year is that it wasn’t quite as bad as some critics predicted. But it isn’t even close to what we were promised — and nowhere near a passing grade.”

Overall, Obamacare is a failure and receives an F from the NY Post and myself. The question now is what will anyone do, if anything, to fix a severely broken system?