Author Topic: High School Principal Warned Against Discriminating Against Traditional Marriage  (Read 450 times)

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High School Principal Warned Against Discriminating Against Traditional Marriage

Posted 8 mins ago by Dave Jolly Filed under Christianity, Education, Ethics, Homosexuality

A week ago I shared with you about Ventura High School Principal Val Wyatt banning the football booster club from selling Chick-fil-A sandwiches for a fundraiser. Robert Shaffer, owner of the local Chick-fil-A restaurant was ready to donate 200 chicken sandwiches to the booster club to help them raise money for uniforms and to help them purchase other food items to sell at games.

Wyatt claimed that selling the Chick-fil-A sandwiches MIGHT offend some gay students. She tried to publicly justify her actions saying:

“With their political stance on gay rights and because the students of Ventura High School and their parents would be at the event, I didn’t want them on campus.”

Sadly, Trudy Tuttle Arriaga, Superintendent of the Ventura Unified School District backed up Wyatt’s position, stating:

“We value inclusivity and diversity on our campus and all of our events and activities are going to adhere to our mission.”

Now, the Alliance Defending Freedom has sent a letter of warning to Wyatt that her decision amounts to a form of discrimination against marriage. Commenting about the letter of warning, ADF attorney Matt Sharp said:

"Chick-fil-A had no financial interest in this, just kind of one of their many charitable activities, and the school district was so hostile to Chick-fil-A's stance expressed through its president about affirming the traditional definition of marriage that they'd rather deny this free donation, deny the funds being available for use by the students."

"How many dozens and dozens of students on their campus probably hold these same views? So when the school takes a stance like this and tells Chick-fil-A, 'You’re not welcome here because of your views on marriage,' they’re essentially telling those same students who share those views of Chick-fil-A, 'You're not welcome here either.'"

Sharp points out what has been happening all across America. Far too many schools, businesses, local, state and federal governments take actions so as not to offend gays. They fail to consider the fact that their actions offend a greater segment of the American people. They prefer to offend hundreds, thousands and even millions to avoid offending a few perverted individuals.

I would like to see Wyatt consider the warning issued by ADF and reverse her decision and allow the booster club to sell the Chick-fil-A sandwiches. If she doesn’t, then I hope ADF will proceed with legal action against her and the school district for illegally discriminating against traditional marriage.