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Even The New York Times Is Done With Obama
« on: September 25, 2014, 11:06:06 am »

Even The New York Times Is Done With Obama

"...a bad decision."
James Beattie — September 24, 2014

The Editorial Board for the ‘paper of record’ Wednesday slammed President Obama’s plan to fight the terrorist group known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The New York Times condemned President Obama for failing to seek congressional approval for taking military action against ISIS and terrorist group Khorasan, another group that is an imminent threat to the United States.  Their piece comes after President Obama announced his order of military airstrikes Tuesday.
 “There isn’t a full picture – because Mr. Obama has not provided one – of how this bombing campaign will degrade the extremist groups without unleashing unforeseen consequences in a violent and volatile region.  In the absence of public understanding or discussion and a coherent plan, the strikes in Syria were a bad decision.”

The Times rejected the Administration’s legal claim that it has given Congress notification for military action by way of the 1973 War Powers act “that is not a substitute for congressional authorization.”

Later in the editorial, The Times also commanded Congress to act in performing its “constitutional responsibilities”:

“[Congress] has left Washington and gone into campaign fundraising mode, shamelessly ducking a vote on this critical issue.  That has deprived the country of a full and comprehensive debate over the mission in Syria and has shielded administration officials and military commanders from tough questions about every aspect of this operation – from its costs to its very obvious risks – that should be asked and answered publicly.”

In the piece, the Times calls it “puzzling” that President Obama would not address the nation on Khorasan, a group based in Syria that “poses an imminent threat to the United States.”

“[The administration] say they kept details about Khorosan secret so the group would not know it was being tracked.  But past threats, including Osama bin Laden, were discussed openly even as they were tracked.”

ABC News reports that Khorosan is a “shadowy al Qaeda unit…consisting of about 50 or so hardened fighters of mixed past and current jihadi affiliations.”