Author Topic: Retired Border Patrol Agent Warns Of Coming Threat  (Read 725 times)

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Retired Border Patrol Agent Warns Of Coming Threat
« on: September 23, 2014, 07:54:43 pm »
Retired Border Patrol Agent Warns Of Coming Threat

"Those people are disappearing..."
B. Christopher Agee — September 23, 2014

In an interview with the creator of a documentary about America’s porous southern border, a 26-year veteran of the U.S. Border Patrol offered some frightening insight into the growing threat illegal immigration poses.

Retired agent Zach Taylor explained that “immigration laws are designed to primarily do just two things: protect national security and public safety.”
Preserving the nation’s economy and job market from an influx of illegals falls under the national security component, he noted, while the public safety aspect develops safeguards against “people coming in to take over America by force or subterfuge.”

The Department of Homeland Security oversees “the apprehension and collection of the illegal aliens” through the U.S. Border Patrol, Taylor said, while the potential spread of disease is handled by agents of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Public Health Service.

“I’ve never seen the CDC or U.S. Public Health Service work together with the border patrol at the border ever,” he lamented.

As a result, Taylor cautioned, illegals suffering from severe and undiagnosed illnesses are being transported to locations unknown even among federal agents.

“Those people are disappearing,” he said. “Surely they’re being quarantined somewhere; we just don’t know where and even the agents don’t know what the diagnosis is of these illnesses.”

He explained that individuals from around the world enter the U.S. through its border with Mexico, adding that it is unknown how many are being screened for potentially epidemic diseases–including the Ebola outbreak affecting West Africa.

In the July interview, Taylor noted that the disease was spreading in an unusual pattern, originating in highly populated areas “almost as if the virus was planted” in three specific cities.

“Before,” he said, “it moved from the jungle into the populated area. Now it’s starting in the most populated areas and working through the population.”

Meanwhile, Americans are largely in the dark regarding the threat we face, due primarily to the lack of openness by those tasked with securing the border.

“Where you have hundreds of thousands of people coming across the border and you’re only catching a small fraction,” he said officials are “not telling the public that 80 to 90 percent of what’s coming across the border is not being apprehended … only showing them the one percent that are 6, 8, 10 years old and appeal to the compassion of the American people and not show them the people with these serious communicable diseases, the fact that they are known gang members.”

Taylor’s interview was conducted by Chris Burgard, whose film ‘Back to the Border’ is currently in production.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2014, 07:55:12 pm by rangerrebew »