Author Topic: Adam Z Kawalek, Gay Jewish Gaza Supporter, Had to Hide Being Jewish and Gay from Hamas in Gaza  (Read 199 times)

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Adam Z Kawalek, Gay Jewish Gaza Supporter, Had to Hide Being Jewish and Gay from Hamas in Gaza

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On September 22, 2014 @ 11:10 am In The Point | 12 Comments

There are doctors who treat patients and there are doctors who want to be celebrities. LA has more than a few of the latter kind.

Adam “Zvi” Kawalek is an LA doctor who certainly thinks a lot of himself. He even tried to register “The Doctor Crusader” as his own personal trademark for a show. Instead he now uses it as his Twitter account.

After failing to get famous by going to Haiti, despite uploading a bunch of shaky YouTube videos, Adam Z Kawalek, the incredible “Doctor Crusader” (TM), decided to get famous by going to Gaza to support Hamas’ war against Israel.

Considering that Gaza is under Hamas rule, there is no other reason to go to Gaza than to provide moral support for Hamas. Few Hamas supporters will however admit it. Instead they rant about Israeli atrocities to change the subject.

Adam Z. Kawalek, like a lot of anti-Israel types including Peter Beinart, knows that his “Doctor Crusader” (TM) story will sell better if he claims to have been a Zionist who was “converted” by seeing up close how evil Israel is.

That’s the story he tells the Daily Beast in “A Gay Jewish Zionist American Doctor in Gaza and What He Saw”.

Adam Z. Kawalek certainly is gay. The rest? Not so much. On his Twitter account, one of his first Retweets comes from Max Blumenthal whom even most critics of Israel consider a deranged bigot and whose attacks on the Jewish State helped influence the Kansas City shooter.

Kawalek followed the Twitter account for Boko Haram,

Other accounts followed by Kawalek included the hate site Mondoweiss, the BDS group JVP,  Free Gaza, Breaking the Silence, Electronic Intifada, #OPIsrael, the anon account for hacking Jewish sites, the anti-Semitic Remi Kanazi, the BDS movement, Glenn Greenwald and Max Blumenthal.

It’s the usual mix for a guy who really, really hates the Jewish State and wants it to disappear.

Unfortunately it’s likely replacement wouldn’t be all that hospitable to one Adam Kawalek. First he wasn’t even allowed into Gaza until his Jewish middle name, Zvi, was removed from his passport.

With the help of some friends at Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office, he was able to get the process expedited.

Wasn’t that nice of Dianne?

The only person in Gaza who knew he was Jewish was his security chief, hired by IMC to protect the entire crew. “No one else knew I was Jewish, and even he didn’t know I was gay.”

But why would Adam Kawalek deny the wonderful loving people of Gaza a chance to show off their tolerance? It’s known that the only people they love more than Jews in Hamastan are the gays.

He probably also didn’t tell them his secret identity as Doctor Crusader (TM). They’re not too fond of crusaders there either.

Once in Gaza, he says he started to see things differently. “I began to question Israel’s moral authority and whether or not anything Israel does should be accepted blindly.”

If you believe that, you believe that a guy who registered Doctor Crusader is just an ordinary humanitarian who isn’t looking for publicity.

Just a regular Zionist who for some reason wanted to go to Gaza during the war. A regular Jewish kid whose Twitter follows are a curated mass of seething hatred for the Jewish State.

Oh look, the Brooklyn Bridge is 50 percent off.

During his 17 days in Gaza, Kawalek said he witnessed no anger towards Hamas, even though its rockets triggered the assault. “Everyone seemed to support them. I don’t know if it was forced or whether it was truly felt, but the majority of Gazans I met felt that Hamas was their protector and would defend the right of Palestinians until the end.”

Sure Kawalek isn’t a Hamas supporter. He just seems to echo them… for some reason. But sadly the Jihad hasn’t evolved on the gays.

Asked whether he had an issue with the fact that he’d likely be killed by those he was trying to help had they found out he was gay, Kawalek said no. “We can’t hold people to standards that we’ve only developed and evolved over the last 50 years. I don’t think Americans can really take a moral stance on this issue. That seems a bit disingenuous to me.”

Sure. Remember the time when Americans were crucifying gays? And murdering Jews in the street? Who are we to judge Gaza?

Now Israel, we can totally judge. And America.

Anyway, for all the whining Adam Z. Kawalek lists one evil Zionist atrocity. The IDF blasted through the wall of a kindergarten and then left a note. “To the children of Gaza,” read the note, “sorry for the damage. Hope we will share a better future together, IDF soldiers.”

This humanitarian behavior horrified Doctor Crusader (TM) Adam Kawalek.

“All I could think of was how inhumane and perverse a military can be to do something like that to a kindergarten. Imagine having your property invaded and then being taunted with statements like that.”

It doesn’t occur to Adam Z. Kawalek that the Israeli soldiers could have actually meant it, but someone so thoroughly cynical as to try and trademark Doctor Crusader would be incapable of grasping that some people do actually act honestly and decently.

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