Author Topic: Time to Dump Cinco de Mayo  (Read 256 times)

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Time to Dump Cinco de Mayo
« on: September 22, 2014, 07:45:35 pm »
Time to Dump Cinco de Mayo

by Sara Noble • September 22, 2014   

 “Racist” cupcake pictured above.

Cinco de Mayo has become an opportunity to squash our rights which begs the question – why we are celebrating it in the United States at all? The holiday celebrates a battle in which the outnumbered Mexicans defeated French forces during the occupation. It’s a nice holiday, but why do we celebrate it in the U.S. when it brings nothing but protests, accusations of racism and, it now even shuts down free speech.

In California, a sorority is being severely punished for having a Taco Tuesday to raise funds. Some attendees wore “culturally insensitive” attire such as “sombreros”.

Since when is a sombreros insensitive? It’s a fun hat or should I say it WAS a fun hat.

The university – California State – found it “grossly inappropriate” and put them on probation for a year.

Every member of the sorority, even those who didn’t attend and had nothing to do with it will be punished. They must develop and promote a “We’re a Culture, Not a Costume” program to end cultural stereotypes.

Last I heard tacos and sombreros were part of the Mexican culture – a nice part – I don’t see a problem here.

They will also have to develop multiple diversity and “cultural competency” workshops.

The list of punishments goes on.

All you can eat taco bars at colleges are now deemed offensive by some. “Pi Phiesta” taco bar fundraisers are commonplace but they are on their way out because some angry loons here-and-there decided it was racist.

Dartmouth expelled a non-Mexican student in May for wearing a sombrero on Cinco de Mayo. They thought he was making fun of Mexicans but he was just having fun and enjoying their holiday.

Mexicans are Caucasians but they are being treated like minorities. Everyone’s a minority now who isn’t white.

Cinco de Mayo isn’t a big holiday in Mexico so why do we need it here when it only causes trouble?

Plaintiffs in Mariano v. Morgan Hill Unified School District
Students who sued their school district are seen above in their illegal U.S. flag shirts.

Four students in a California high school sued the Morgan Hill Unified School District after they were banned from wearing t-shirts with U.S. flags on them on Cinco de Mayo. Only four were singled out.

The liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that there case will not be heard by the full court. They will not be allowed to have U.S. flag t-shirts in their U.S. school on Cinco de Mayo.

“School officials anticipated violence or substantial disruption of or material interference with school activities, and their response was tailored to the circumstances,” read the opinion.

“As a consequence, we conclude that school officials did not violate the students’ rights to freedom of expression, due process, or equal protection.”

Included in the order was a dissent by Ninth Circuit Judge Diarmuid F. O’Scannlain, who was joined by two other justices.

“The freedom of speech guaranteed by our Constitution is in greatest peril when the government may suppress speech simply because it is unpopular,” wrote O’Scannlain.

“For that reason, it is a foundational tenet of First Amendment law that the government cannot silence a speaker because of how an audience might react to the speech. It is this bedrock principle — known as the heckler’s veto doctrine — that the panel overlooks ….”

The lawsuit contended that the students’ First and Fourteenth Amendments were violated.

In late February, a three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit ruled unanimously in favor of the school, with the Associated Press noting that “the officials’ concerns of racial violence outweighed students’ freedom of expression rights.”

“Administrators feared the American-flag shirts would enflame the passions of Latino students celebrating the Mexican holiday,” reported the AP.

“Live Oak High School, in the San Jose suburb of Morgan Hill, had a history of problems between white and Latino students on that day.”

“As Judge O’Scannlain’s dissent makes clear, this decision imperils our First Amendment freedoms and permits the will of the mob to rule our school,” stated the boys’ attorney Robert Muise of the American Freedom Law Center.

Muise also stated that “this fight is far from over” and that the AFLC “will be seeking review in the U.S. Supreme Court.”

There is never a good reason to violate a citizen’s First Amendment rights, certainly not because the administrators don’t want to punish Mexican students who are racist.

The Mexican students accused the “white” students of “racism,” even though they themselves are considered Caucasians.

“One Mexican student responded, “But [Principal] Rodriguez, they are racist. They are being racist. F*** them white boys. Let’s f*** them up.”

After the incident, a large number of students showed up at school in red, white and blue.

About 200 Hispanic students responded by walking out of Live Oak and Ann Sobrato high schools, chanting “Si se puede” and “We want respect” and disrupting traffic as they marched through Morgan Hill to demonstrate their support for Mexico. “It’s disrespectful to do it on Cinco de Mayo,” said Jessica Cortez, a Live Oak sophomore. “They can be a patriot on some other day. Not that specific day.”

Nice of them to tell us when we can be patriotic. They should have all been punished for leaving school without permission.

Cinco de Mayo should bring people of different heritages together. Instead the extremists will make it a holiday that causes division and hatred. Their behavior has the opposite effect of what they claim they want – no racism.

No tacos, tequila, sombreros or U.S. flags on Cinco de Mayo. Time to get rid of it altogether which will probably happen anyway because it’s been made into a miserable occasion for everyone but Mexicans, and bigoted Mexicans in particular.

PC is out of control and it will deprive us of our inherent rights. Anything can be made into bigotry – anything. Where will it stop unless people begin to speak up and ignore the absurd accusations?

The key point in this case which is being lost is that this is the United States. They are in our country.

Meanwhile, MSNBC had a white guy trot around on TV in a sombrero pretending to drink tequila while clicking castanets. The PCers didn’t like it and called them racists. It was nothing more than a silly joke that didn’t work.

All I can say to all of this is Go Redskins!

« Last Edit: September 22, 2014, 07:46:51 pm by rangerrebew »