Author Topic: Obama’s 2014 Schedule: A Fundraiser Every 5 Days  (Read 346 times)

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Obama’s 2014 Schedule: A Fundraiser Every 5 Days
« on: September 20, 2014, 09:53:33 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Obama’s 2014 Schedule: A Fundraiser Every 5 Days

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On September 19, 2014 @ 6:47 pm In The Point | 2 Comments

Between the vacations, the fundraisers, the political trips and the constant golfing, it’s a wonder that Obama still finds the time to occasionally show up and deliver a speech blaming everything on Congress.

Now that’s real dedication.

So far this year, on average, Obama is attending a fundraiser every 5 days.

According to a new report, Obama has appeared at 49 fundraisers this year through September 15 — even taking the time out of his beloved vacation at Martha’s Vineyard this past August.

“When we looked at Obama’s fundraising in May, we figured out that he was on pace to go to a fundraiser every six days or so. Now, he’s at five-and-a-quarter. That’s thanks to a particularly active summer; the president even attended a fundraiser during his putative vacation on Martha’s Vineyard in August.”

Combining a fundraiser and a vacation? That’s the definition of working too hard? What’s next, delivering a Let Me Be Clear speech while golfing? Blaming Congress while toasting the CEO of Comcast?

This man is working too hard.

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