Author Topic: You Are Paying for Abortions – Thank Obamacare  (Read 502 times)

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You Are Paying for Abortions – Thank Obamacare
« on: September 19, 2014, 10:48:17 am »

You Are Paying for Abortions – Thank Obamacare

By Onan Coca   / 19 September 2014   / 0 Comments   
For years pro-life activists have protested being forced to pay federal taxes that could eventually be used to fund abortions here in America and abroad. Our leaders have written legislation to make sure that doesn’t happen, and pro-abortion Democrats have created loopholes to make sure it keeps happening. The latest such loophole is a TITANIC size debacle that some of us like to call Obamacare.

When Obamacare was created, conservative activists argued that it would force pro-life Americans to pay for abortions that we wholeheartedly believe to be MURDER.

Of course, Democrats called us “conspiracy theorists” and “fearmongers!” They would never, ever, ever, ever think of forcing us pro-lifers to pay for abortions – this was just about healthcare for everyone! The President even tried to reassure everyone that the provisions in place that protected us from paying for abortions would not be affected by Obamacare…

obamaAbortionPresidentYou may remember that back during the Obamacare fight, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) and a small handful of other Democrats held out their support because Obamacare would implicitly force pro-lifers to pay for abortions. They finally caved when President Obama promised to sign an Executive Order defending the Hyde Amendment, which prevents public funding of abortions and also protecting the conscience clause. At the time, many conservatives warned Stupak and his fellow pro-life Democrats that Obamacare necessarily would lead to public funding of abortions… no matter the Executive Order signed by Obama.

Turns out, Stupak was wrong and we conservatives were right.

Here is Stupak telling a group of pro-life Democrats, back in 2012, that the Obamacare mandate is illegal and that he just can’t believe that the White House and pro-abortion Democrats didn’t abide by their agreement! (We told you so Bart!)