Author Topic: Sen. Udall Mocked By CNN Panelists For Being ‘Hilariously Wrong’  (Read 246 times)

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Sen. Udall Mocked By CNN Panelists For Being ‘Hilariously Wrong’

Posted By Greg Campbell On 9:00 PM 09/16/2014 In | No Comments

Colorado Democratic Sen. Mark Udall’s attempts to put space between his campaign and President Obama prompted CNN anchors to mock him openly on the air.

Anchor John King called the Democrat out for uselessly “getting in the face” of a Democratic president by releasing a statement saying he wouldn’t give Obama a “blank check to begin another ground war in Iraq.”

“An interesting statement,” King said. “Except the president has said repeatedly… he will not put boots on the ground.”

The other panelists, including CNN’s political reporter Peter Hamby and the Washington Post’s Nia-Malika Henderson, cracked up before piling on through their laughter.

“Mark Udall has been trying so hard to run away from the president on so many things,” Hamby said. “The other day in the debate he said, ‘I am the senator that the White House fears most when they see me marching across the White House lawn.’”

“That is not true,” Henderson said, laughing.

“That is hilariously wrong, and not true,” Hamby added.

King called the idea that the Obama administration quakes in fear at Udall’s appearance “poppycock.”

The exchange, which came after President Obama’s speech about his strategy for dealing with Islamic State terrorists in Iraq and Syria, was first picked up by the conservative blog Colorado Peak Politics and then by the Denver Post.

Udall famously did not attend a fundraiser on his behalf when Obama visited in July. Udall is in a tight race with Republican Rep. Cory Gardner, whose efforts to paint Udall as voting in lockstep with Obama constitute a pillar of his campaign against the incumbent.

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