Author Topic: ‘British-US policy to fight ISIS isn’t going to work (From Russia)  (Read 673 times)

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‘British-US policy to fight ISIS isn’t going to work’
Obama-Cameron plan to defeat ISIS is inherently flawed and will fail, causing only more deaths, more chaos and more religious wars, Lawrence Freeman, editor of the Executive Intelligence Review magazine, told RT.

RT: David Cameron has condemned the killing of the UK citizen by ISIS as an "act of pure evil." What action can we expect from the UK government?

Lawrence Freeman: The problem is that it is an act of evil and ISIS has to be defeated, but the British and American plan from David Cameron and President Obama will not succeed. It is inherently flawed and will fail, and will cause more deaths, more chaos, more deaths and killing in the Middle East, in the Gulf countries. It does not identify the fact that the Saudi Arabian Empire together with the British Empire have been allowing ISIS to be funded and deployed.

And now there is a very big movement inside the US Congress to declassify 28 pages kept secret since 2002 on the role of the Saudi Arabia in supporting the 9/11 attack against the US. If that comes out, that will blow open this whole phony alliance that Obama and Cameron have with Saudi Arabia.

RT: Could this push the UK government to join the US-led military campaign against Islamic State?

LF: The campaign that Obama is leading is not going to happen, is not going to work. There will be bombings, but bombings do not defeat an enemy. Also if President Obama violates Syrian territory and bombs Syria, that is a violation of international law. The people who are supposed to be doing the training and are based in Saudi Arabia will not be sufficient.

Yes, there has to be an alliance of sovereign nations that work together to defeat ISIS and it has to include economic development. The Obama-British plan will fail as it is badly constructed. And Obama right now is violating the US Constitution by taking the US to war without approval - explicit approval - of the Congress. And this is causing uproar in the Congress itself. Yes, we must defeat ISIS, but it will not be defeated by this British-American policy right now which will only make the matters worse.

RT: What do you think is behind the timing of this video? Is it linked to John Kerry's efforts to gain support for military action against Islamic State in the Mid-East?

LF: No. You have a group at the core of fundamentalist Wahhabiates [sic] which have been armed by elements in Saudi Arabia for decades. These people have to be destroyed, they are evil, and they are carrying out their evil campaign. The problem is we do not have any leadership, real political leadership in the US, and we're being pulled around by Cameron and others to carry out a policy. Think about it, think if we bomb Syria. What would be the consequences? There would be more wars. This would further destabilize the Assad government.

What if the Assad government falls? Then ISIS can take parts of Syria. There is a release that came out on September 14 from the Huffington Post that the so-called moderate Syrian Free Army is working directly in an alliance with ISIS. This is well-known and documented, so how can this plan succeed if the Saudis are involved and the so-called allies are working directly with ISIS? It is not going to succeed, and you're going to see more deaths, more chaos and more religious wars until we impeach Obama and release the 28 pages which expose the Saudi relationship.

RT: Looking at this from the point of view of the terrorists, what is the strategy behind these execution videos?

LF: The mindset of these terrorists is destruction, it is chaos, it is killing people. You don't have to look for a particular strategy. They want to bring the world back into an unorganized, medieval order and the problem is that they are being supported by supposed allies of ours in Great Britain and Saudi Arabia. So they are going to do whatever they can to destabilize the world and we're going along with it. So we have to cut out our own stupidity and force our [US] president to carry out a policy, although our president at this point should probably be removed from office because he's not going to carry out a policy to defeat ISIS.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 03:09:18 pm by rangerrebew »

Offline massadvj

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Re: ‘British-US policy to fight ISIS isn’t going to work (From Russia)
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2014, 01:58:36 pm »
It isn't much of a secret that many of our "allies" among the Sunni nations in the Middle East are joining this so-called coalition while at the same time financially encouraging ISIS to complete its war against Assad and the Iranians.

Hell, I am not really sure what side OPapaDoc is actually on at this point.  He may not even know.  It could just be he needs a war to help his party in the midterms, so he'll make a show of exploding some bombs in the desert in the hope that the American people will rally around him. 

OPapaDoc can't be seen as impotent in the face of barbarians who lop off Americans' heads and commit mass killings of Christians.  But he also can't admit his Iraq withdrawal was a failure.  So he is going to ally the USA with two of the most horrendous regimes in world history (Assad and the ayatollahs).

I don't think Revelations and its predictions of the apocalypse are this absurd.

Offline olde north church

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Re: ‘British-US policy to fight ISIS isn’t going to work (From Russia)
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2014, 02:39:44 pm »

I don't think Revelations and its predictions of the apocalypse are this absurd.

You're not alone and I'm not even LOOKING for tin foil!
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.

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Re: ‘British-US policy to fight ISIS isn’t going to work (From Russia)
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2014, 07:17:22 pm »
It isn't much of a secret that many of our "allies" among the Sunni nations in the Middle East are joining this so-called coalition while at the same time financially encouraging ISIS to complete its war against Assad and the Iranians.

Hell, I am not really sure what side OPapaDoc is actually on at this point.  He may not even know.  It could just be he needs a war to help his party in the midterms, so he'll make a show of exploding some bombs in the desert in the hope that the American people will rally around him. 

OPapaDoc can't be seen as impotent in the face of barbarians who lop off Americans' heads and commit mass killings of Christians.  But he also can't admit his Iraq withdrawal was a failure.  So he is going to ally the USA with two of the most horrendous regimes in world history (Assad and the ayatollahs).

I don't think Revelations and its predictions of the apocalypse are this absurd.


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Re: ‘British-US policy to fight ISIS isn’t going to work (From Russia)
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2014, 09:05:28 pm »
I'm not sure even the Pentagon knows how many troops, planes, ships, etc. are available because they have cut so many people from their rosters.

Offline Fishrrman

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Re: ‘British-US policy to fight ISIS isn’t going to work (From Russia)
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2014, 02:01:58 am »
Mass wrote above:
[[ Hell, I am not really sure what side OPapaDoc is actually on at this point.  He may not even know. ]]

C'mon, Mass, you got a college education, right?

Obama certainly knows "which side" he is on.
He stated as much in his book.

He is on the islamic side...

Offline massadvj

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Re: ‘British-US policy to fight ISIS isn’t going to work (From Russia)
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2014, 01:02:31 pm »
Mass wrote above:
[[ Hell, I am not really sure what side OPapaDoc is actually on at this point.  He may not even know. ]]

C'mon, Mass, you got a college education, right?

Obama certainly knows "which side" he is on.
He stated as much in his book.

He is on the islamic side...

Yes, but both ISIS and Iran are Islamic.  With Valerie Jarrett in charge of his administration and all that he has done to help Iran (the latest being installing Iran's hand-picked president of Iraq) I can make the case that he has sympathies for the Shia.  In that case, attacking ISIS would be a consistent move.  On the other hand, he seems very enamored with the Sunnis, having helped the radicals take Libya and Egypt, plus very likely helping ISIS in Syria.  That's why I am confused.  This is a Muslim vs. Muslim war.  Which side is OPapaDoc really on? 

Offline Fishrrman

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Re: ‘British-US policy to fight ISIS isn’t going to work (From Russia)
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2014, 12:52:17 am »
mass wrote above:
[[ This is a Muslim vs. Muslim war.  Which side is OPapaDoc really on?  ]]

OK, I'll try this again.

muslims may fight other muslims, but there is one thing they will all unite against -- and that is The West.

No matter how much they may hate other muslim sects, there is one thing the islamic hates more, and that is the infidel.

From Obama's viewpoint, muslim vs. muslim isn't important. ONE of these sides will win, and whichever side it is, will STILL be muslim. That's all that really counts.

Aside: I spent this afternoon on the battlefields of Gettysburg, taking pictures. As important as that battle was in its time, it pales in comparison to the struggle that is now before us (by "us", I mean the Christian Western World).

If The World Trade Center was jihad's "Fort Sumter", what will become the "Gettysburg" of The West vs. islam….?

Offline alicewonders

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Re: ‘British-US policy to fight ISIS isn’t going to work (From Russia)
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2014, 01:18:40 am »
Obama told us what side he is on when he was talking about ISIS beheading our journalists and he said if he was ISIS - he would not have killed the hostages, but released them and pinned notes on their chests saying, “Stay out of here; this is none of your business.”

He stands with the Muslims, not western civilization. 

Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!


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Re: ‘British-US policy to fight ISIS isn’t going to work (From Russia)
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2014, 01:25:02 am »
.In Vietnam we sent "advisors' that eventually escalated to having boots to the ground. Its a slippery slope or mission creep. Mission creep is the expansion of a project or mission beyond its original goals, often after initial successes.Secondly, the House by allowing to vote by sending arms to the Syrian Rebellion has touched off an arms race with Russia, China,North Korea and Iran which will provide more men and equipment to Assad. I would suggest let the Saudis and the other Gulf members take care of the Syrian resistance movement and ISIS if they have the chance. The Saudis have the latest equipment and gladly wipe off the Syrian resistance off the map.ISIS is the biggest threat than the Syrian resistance.