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Sen. Harry Reid: When the President Acts on Immigration, I Hope He Goes ‘Real Big’


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Sen. Harry Reid: When the President Acts on Immigration, I Hope He Goes ‘Real Big’

Posted By Melissa Melton On September 11, 2014 @ 11:57 pm In Conspiracy Fact and Theory,Economy and Finance,Editor's Choice,Featured,General,Headlines & Head Lies,Immigration,News,People,Perspectives,Political Gamesmanship,Politics,Videos and Media | No Comments

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Check out this recent Tweet from our beloved (puke) Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV):

Yeah. He did just say that.

So much is wrong with Reid’s statement, it’s hard to know where to begin. As Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) pointed out in response Thursday morning, maybe we should all just let the Senate Majority Leader’s statement fully sink in for a moment:

The majority leader of the Senate is bragging that he knows the president will circumvent Congress to issue executive amnesty to millions, and he is encouraging the president to ensure this amnesty includes as many people as possible. And the White House has acknowledged that 5 to 6 million is the number they are looking at. Has one Senate Democrat stepped forward to reject Mr. Reid’s statement?

Has one Senate Democrat stepped forward to say: I support the legislation passed by the House of Representatives that would secure the border and block this executive amnesty? Have they ever said they support that? Have they ever said: I will do everything in my power to see that the House legislation gets a vote in the Senate so the American people can know what is going on? No. All we hear is silence.

This body is not run by one man. We don’t have a dictator in the great Senate. Every member has a vote. And the only way Senator Reid can succeed in blocking this Senate from voting to stop the president’s executive actions is for members to stop supporting him. (source [3])

The fact that our nation’s political process has now completely degraded to the point that one of our senators has to actually point out the fact that “This body is not run by one man,” is terribly sad and speaks volumes about where we are as a supposedly Constitutional Republic. But Sessions hit the nail on the head right about here:

In effect, the entire Senate Democratic conference has surrendered the jobs, wages, and livelihoods of their constituents to a group of special interests meeting in secret at the White House. They are surrendering them to executive actions that will foist on the nation what Congress has refused to pass and the American people have rejected. They are plotting at the White House to move forward with executive action no matter what the people think and no matter what Congress — through the people’s House — has decided. [emphasis added] (source [3])

At this point, it doesn’t even matter what your personal beliefs are on amnesty in this situation. If Obama uses (abuses) executive power to bypass Congress to pass immigration reform, it will be all kinds of unconstitutional. Period. And don’t give us that argument that Obama hasn’t signed as many executive orders since he’s been in office as WWII president FDR did. Who cares. And? How many wrongs does it take to make a right with that logical fallacy?

The truth is, the White House has been meeting with powerful business interests who have put in a combined total of nearly $1.5 BILLION to get this reform passed since at least 2007, and those people obviously don’t give half a crap about this country’s Constitution or its border.

As Sessions went on to point out, Mark Zuckerberg, the 30-year-old Facebook billionaire, recently gave a speech hosted by fellow billionaire Carlos Slim down in Mexico City focused on this very topic. Billionaire Bill Gates [4] has also been aggressively supporting this executive immigration reform, calling for visas at the same exact time that his company Microsoft is announcing that it is set to lay off about 20,000 people. Hm.

The list goes on and on. Warren Buffet. Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. Rich elitists with lots and lots of money set to benefit off all that cheap labor who won’t lose any sleep over what happens to the wee little, “American people, that great unwashed group; nativists, narrow-minded patriots, possessors of middle class values,” as Session put it back in July when he railed on all these guys (full video below).

Well, guess that’s about how things go these days in the grand corporatocracy that is United States of America, Inc. As we all know, this is about destroying the country via a Cloward-Piven strategy [5] anyway.

Still, it was interesting to skim through the outpouring of heartfelt support of Mr. Reid’s immigration Tweet from his many, many adoring fans:

On an aside, is it just me, or is Reid actually trying to look like some kind of super bad ass mafia don wannabe in his Twitter profile pic up top? #thatslamegrandpa

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Contributed by Melissa Melton of The Daily Sheeple [15].

Melissa Melton is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple [16] and a co-creator of Truthstream Media [17] with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy [18] with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

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[2] September 9, 2014:
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[4] Bill Gates:

[5] Cloward-Piven strategy:

[6] @SenatorReid:

[7] September 9, 2014:
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[8] September 9, 2014:
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[9] September 9, 2014:
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[10] September 9, 2014:
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[11] September 9, 2014:
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[12] September 9, 2014:
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[13] September 9, 2014:
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