Author Topic: Former Attorney General Calls the Obama Administration “the Most Lawless Ever!”  (Read 216 times)

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Former Attorney General Calls the Obama Administration “the Most Lawless Ever!”

By Onan Coca   / 11 September 2014   / 0 Comments   
Former Attorney General Edwin Meese III served under President Ronald Reagan from 1981 – 1985, and in a recent interview with Genevieve Wood from the Daily Signal, he said something amazing about the Obama administration.

“This is the most lawless administration in the history of the country,” the former AG told Wood.

Wood: What is the biggest threat to the US Constitution today?
Meese: “… We have today the fact that literally the Constitution is being overlooked particularly the separation of powers. The responsibility to make sure that the laws are passed by Congress and that it’s power to make the laws on behalf of the people is not usurped by the Executive Branch.”

Wood: For those who say we currently have a lawless administration right now, would you go that far?

Meese: “I regret to say that I think that’s true. Even the news media which has been notoriously favorable towards this administration has been picking up on that and have been pointing out things such as recess appointments when there was no recess of the Senate. Situations in which administrative agencies like the EPA have tried to get around the fact that Congress specifically turned down certain measures and they are then trying to apply those measures by regulations. Things such as immigration laws and welfare laws that have been directly broken by this administration. All of those things I think contribute to the fact that this is the most lawless administration in the history of the country.”